Chapter Five

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Nikki got out of the car and sighed. She had to make this quick. She ran inside. "THERE YOU ARE!", yelled Cady the minute she walked in. Cady pounced, Nikki dodged it just in time. She slid over to the desk and searched for her keys. She couldn't find them. She must've dropped them somewhere. Cady got up and ran for Nikki. Nikki jumped up and pushed off Cadys back. She fell off and landed on the hard floor. Nikki closed her eyes groaned in pain. Then she felt someone pick her up. She opened her eyes. It was Neil. Neil ran up the stairs. Nikki smiled. "Thanks.", she said. Neil smiled and nodded. Once they got upstairs Neil set Nikki back down. Nikki gave him a salute and sped down the hallway. She searched the floor, still nothing. She turned and ran into Max's cell.
Max looked up, he looked kinda mad. Nikki sighed. "Have you seen my keys?", she asked, panting. Max smiled and shook his head. Nikki sighed. "Okay then, thanks anyway.", she said and ran out and down the hallway. Max sighed. For some reason when he saw that man carrying Nikki he felt really jealous. He sighed, he couldn't have feelings for her. If he did his whole plan would be thrown out the window and he'd be stuck here. He reached under his bed and pulled out the half of a cookie. He bit into it and sighed. The old man cackled. Max glared at him. "What?", he asked. The man smiled. "You know, at first I thought you were really smart, but you're just like all the rest of them.". Max narrowed his eyes. "What's that supposed to mean!?", he yelled. The man laughed. "All the others came in with a plan, and never left becuase they fell for some hottie in the process.". Max blushed. "NIKKI IS NOT A HOTTIE!", he yelled. The man looked at him skeptically. Max covered his mouth, in shock for two reasons. One, this was the first time he had called Nikki by her actual name. Two, he was defending Nikki from some pervert.
The man laughed. "You're screwed, boy.", he said. Max sighed. He had to change the subject. He thought a moment. "So, you have any kids?", he asked. The man looked at him. "Yeah I have a few.". Max nodded. The man continued. "Yep, had multiple with a lot of woman. But I never bothered caring for them, so they just ended up being taken care by their mothers or put up for adoption. I remember one specifically, he was the last one I had. And the mom died giving birth to him, so I had to be responsible for him a while. I had him until he was three and then I sent him to the orphanage to get adopted. His name was Preston-". Max choked on his cookie. He caught his breath. "Preston?!", he asked. The man nodded, confused. Max sighed. "I know him. Just so you know, a old lady adopted him and then died when he was fourteen. So me and him decided to run away together as buds. He was really dramatic but he was my only friend so I sticked by him. One day he just wanted to start drama with everyone, so I ditched him. It sucked becuase we had hiked half the country together, then to just end it. So I kept hiking and he stayed in the city we were in. Last time I checked he was "The Worlds Next Skakespeare" according to the news.".
The man nodded. "Yep, I knew if I left him he would become famous one day, doesn't even know who his father is...". Max sighed and nodded. He turned to the wall, thinking about Nikki. He sighed, he felt his face blush. He couldn't break her heart anymore, she was too nice. Max realized something. He was perfectly happy in prison, as long as Nikki visited him it was all worth it. He smiled and yawned. Before he knew it, he was on his pillow, fast asleep.
Nikki shook Max awake. He jumped up and looked around. It was dark outside his barred window. He looked at Nikki. "What is it, Princess?", he asked. Nikki was sweating. "Get up, we're running away.".

CC Cop and Prisoner AU(makki)(originally from tumblr)(old)(complete)Where stories live. Discover now