Chapter Eight

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Nikki gazed out the window and watched the sun rise. She sighed. She wanted to go outside more then anything, but if she did she would for sure get arrested. She looked down. She was wearing a white tank top her mom gave her and some sweatpants. Her hair was down and knotted. She didn't care, not like anybody was there to see her. Her mom had just left for work. Nikki had the whole filthy apartment to herself. She fell back onto the dusty couch and turned on the box TV. She flipped through channels until she reached the news. A picture of her was on screen, along with Max. A reporter was going on about what had happened yesterday. Nikki huffed at the sight of Max and changed the channel. She finally stopped to watch a nature documentary, even though it was incredibly boring.
Max looked down at himself. He was wearing a black tee shirt, black hooded jacket, black jeans, and black shoes. He looked up at Neil. "Where did you get this?", he asked. Neil smiled. "I just bought it at the emo thrift store down the street, figured you'd like it. Since you can't walk around in a orange prison suit.". Max sighed and nodded. "Why are you helping me anyway?". Neil shrugged. "I've only known Nikki for a day, but I think she deserves happiness. And I trust that you can give her that.". Max nodded. "Okay, but where are we gonna find her. Neither of us know anything about where she lives.". Neil looked at Max. "She didn't tell you anything about where she might live?", he asked. Max thought a moment. "I think I have a idea.".
Max pulled his hood over his head. Neil smiled. They were walking down the sidewalk, luckily no one had recognized Max. Max looked at Neil. "Thanks.", he muttered. Neil looked down at him and smiled. "Don't mention it.". Max sighed. They looked up at their destination, a tiny house hidden in the ally between two tall buildings. Max walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. After a moment, a man opened it. Max imeditally was hit with a strong smell of cigarette smoke. He looked up at the man. He was tall with messy brown hair, pink eyes, a nose Max found very familiar, and a beard. The man wore a camo tee shirt and orange jeans. He frowned at Max. "Who are you?", he asked in a rough voice. Max nervously sweated. "Um, my name is Max and I need to tell you something.".
The man nodded. Max had just explained the whole situation, and he was unsure what the man's reaction would be. He sighed. "Okay, so you're a prisoner who escaped and broke my daughter's heart and now you want me to tell you where she lives? I'm calling the police.". Max jumped up and shook his head. "No! I swear I didn't mean to! I was just being stupid I'm sorry!". The man shook his head and pulled out his phone. Max looked at Neil desperately. Neil looked at the man. "Sir? May I speak?". The man sighed and nodded, still holding the phone. Neil smiled. "Max is a good guy, the only reason he was arrested was becuase he swam in someone's pool, that's it!. I've seen the way he treats your daughter and I see how happy it makes her. Max made a mistake and he's trying to fix it. Not for himself, but for Nikki. So please help us, and if not for us then for Nikki, please.".
The man stared at him and sighed. "Fine, I'll help you, but only for my daughter.". He turned to Max "And if you hurt her I swear I will make Hitler look like a saint.". Max gulped and nodded. "I won't sir. Now please tell us where she lives and we'll be on our way.". The man put his phone down. "Me and my daughter don't talk often, she doesn't really want anything to do with me or her mother. But I know for a fact that she's not stupid enough to go back to her home. She's staying with one of her family members, and the only ones that live in this town is me and her mom. So she's at her mom's, and obviously I have no idea where that is. But I know Candy is very cheap, so find a cheap apartment and you'll find her.". Max nodded. "Thank you sir, we'll find her.", he said. The man sighed. "Tell her I said hi, and don't hurt her.".
Max and Neil walked down the sidewalk. "Thanks for helping me back there.", Max said. Neil smiled. "It's what I'm here for.". Max smiled. "So, do you know where any cheap apartments are?", he asked. Neil nodded. "Theres a ton, but I think I have a idea of which one Candy would choose."

CC Cop and Prisoner AU(makki)(originally from tumblr)(old)(complete)Where stories live. Discover now