Phone Call

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Peter, while on patrol, always called Ned and told him he loved him. Just in case something happened towards the end of the night and Peter didn't make it home.

And tonight was no different. Well, a little different.

Peter was currently sitting on the ground in an abandoned warehouse, locked in and bleeding heavily from a deep wound on his side. Blood was pooling around him and his hands were almost shaking too much to pick up his phone, which had fallen beside him.

He went to contacts and called Ned, putting the phone on speaker mode because it hurt too badly to lift his arm up higher than he already was. It rang twice before Ned picked up.

"Hey, honey! How's patrol going?" He greeted cheerfully. Peter smiled, imagining Ned's goofy grin.

"It's goin' good. I might be a bit late, there's a- a lot of crime tonight." Peter lied, trying not to let his voice waver too much even though he was on the verge of tears. He was happy to hear Ned's voice but felt bad about lying to him, especially about something huge.

Peter knew he was going to die. Hell, he knew he was going to die in the next few minutes.

"Okay," Ned mumbled, mildly disappointed that Peter would be home late, "should I wait up? I can make nachos and hot chocolate when you get back."

"No. No, it's okay. I'll join you in bed when I get home, 'kay? So, I guess that's a rain check on the hot chocolate and nachos." Peter replied. He suddenly started coughing harshly and tried to muffle it with his elbow, not caring that it made the wound tear open more from raising his arm. He tasted blood but tried to ignore it.

"Wait, are you okay? That's a nasty cough. Don't catch a cold like last month, turn on your suit warmer." Ned exclaimed worriedly. Peter's heart sank as Ned's worries voice kinda echoed in his head for a bit and it took him longer than it should have for him to register the words so he could respond. Blood loss sucked.

"It's fine, babe. I just inhaled some lint from my suit. But yeah, I-I'll turn on the heater setting. It is kinda cold. But um, I-I need motivation 'cause there's lots of tough crime. Your singing is motivating, could- could you sing me a song?" Peter started stumbling over his words, his voice threatening to break with sobs. He didn't want to die and leave Ned all alone. He felt selfish for asking Ned to sing, but he had to hear it one more time.

Ned always sang to Peter to keep him calm if he was injured.

"Weird request, but okay, just because I love you." Ned took a deep breath, having to force himself to not be too embarrassed to sing.

You are my sunshine,

Tears started forming in Peter's eyes. Why this song, out of all of them?

My only sunshine,

Ned would be so alone without him, Peter realized. He didn't have anyone else to turn to for support.

You make me happy when skies are grey,

Peter started to feel a bit lightheaded. He looked at his reflection in his phone screen. His mask was off, lying on the ground beside him. His skin was pale and tears were streaming down his face.

You'll never know dear,

How much I love you,

And it really set in that this was it.

Peter didn't want to die.

He didn't want to leave Ned alone.

He had wanted to spend his life with Ned, gardening and watching crappy movies that they bought on impulse. He wanted to wake up in the early morning and just cuddle with him while mumbling all the reasons they loved each other. He wanted to adopt a kid and teach them to walk and ride a bike and watch them go to college and it was all being taken from him.

He didn't want to go. He wanted to live, even just an hour more and see his husband's face again, to hold his hand and be able to hug him on last time.

So please don't take my sunshine away.

Peter let out an almost silent sob, so quiet that the phone didn't pick it up.

"Thanks, babe. Well, I-I-I hear a crime, s-so I better- I better go. Just remember that I- I love you a lot, okay? I love you. B-Bye." Peter hung up quickly, his breaths shallow. His mouth tasted like copper and he felt so cold.

The phone fell out of his hand and onto the bloodstained floor, clatterin against the concrete. Peter closed his eyes and tried to picture Ned's smile on their first date and on every day after because every day they were tigeth was amazing and they deserved more days together than they got.

Back at home, Ned realized something was wrong. Peter said I love you too much. He had been crying. He asked Ned to sing.

Ned wondered if he was hurt and picked up the phone again.

Peter was gone before his phone started ringing.

[A/N: guess who cried while writing this]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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