Chapter 0.1

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Midoryia has been tormented since everyone else around him started to develop quirks, but he did not. The doctor told him to give up, but it's not that easy now is it? Katsuki had protected him up until then, and then he too turned on his childhood friend. 'Deku' was all he was, or was going to ever be. There was no escaping it. He was worthless. Quirkless. An idiot. A damn nerd. He was nothing.

His teacher made the taunts even worse when he had announced that Izuku was going to be taking the enrollment test for U.A. The same as Katsuki. He didn't like that, our Katsuki, so he started beating Izuku harder. Threatening him. 'If you go to U.A, I'll blast your face. Deku.' So, Izuku gave up on the dream of going to U.A, instead thinking of dropping out of school all together.

His mother wasn't happy with this decision either, and started to verbally abuse him at home. 'You're so stupid Izuku! How could you do this to us?! God, you're so worthless! Just like your father!' She would scream at him daily, until even that wasn't enough. She started hitting him too. No one at school noticed since all of the bruises blended in with the ones he earned from his classmates. 'I hate you!' His mother cried out the first time she hit him, striking her chapped palm against his freckled face. 'I wish you were never born!' She smacked him a few more times, and then walked into her room, slamming and locking the door behind her.

That night, Izuku spent a while searching the drawers for it. He finally found it, walking into his own room, locking and baracading his door with the chair from his desk. Just in case.

He shakily took it across his wrists, hissing from the sudden pain it caused. But, almost as soon as it happened, it stopped. He did it again, and again, and again. His endorphins releasing quickly, making him feel so fucking high. He went deeper, abd deeper, with every new mark among his smooth skin. Repeating the process until his whole left arm was covered in a beautiful catasrophe of crimson.

He stopped there, cleaning up the gorgeous mess he just made. Bandaging it with the roll of gauze he kept in case his Inko would decide to ask what happened. In case Katsuki and his friends were in bad moods, annd decided to be rougher than usual. Though, he didn't need to worry about that anymore. No matter how upset he had to be to do this to himself, the end product made him feel like he was on cloud fucking nine. He promised himself he'd do it anywhere he could, and once he ran out of room, he'd do it.

He would end his miserable fucking life.

AN: SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE READ THIS TFFFF! ANYWHO, i wanna get to know yall guys so add my sc and dont be scared to hmu! I LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU BABES! <3 (sc: cady.beth)[05.17.20]

Published; 11.20.18

Word count; 481

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