Chapter 0.5

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Christmas Day*

Katsuki has just arrived at the school, east end, when he saw him. A beautiful mess of green hair and tattered clothing. He held something in his hand.

"Welcome Katsuki!" He shouted from the top of the building. 

"Hurry up and get this over with!" The ash blonde responded. Why did he have to be so fucking rude?

"Well, first I want to tell you something!" The freckled boy replied.

"Then get on with it!" The blonde was growing restless. What the hell was this innocent boy going to do exactly?

"Katsuki," the greenette cleared his throat, "Bakugou, Kacchan, whatever you want me to call you. Ever since we were kids, I had thought of you as some high and mighty hero, and I a low life peasant. I put your feelings before mine, and let you push me around, because you were my only friend. I now know that's not how friendship works." Shouto ran to their side of the building as he finished his sentence.

"Oh," the boy on top of the building paused, "Todoroki, so glad you could make it!"

"Midoryia get down from there!" Shouto was freaking out, his friend might actually die tonight. 

"I will soon enough!" The freckled boy responded calmly, and the bi-colored teen ran into the school.

"Looks like I don't have a lot of time anymore," Izuku chuckled, "In short Kaachan, Katsuki, Bakugou, whatever. You were my hero. You still are! You're soaring above All Might for me! You'll be the number one super hero someday, and I'll be watching you from Heaven, Hell, maybe even Purgatory. Who knows?!" At this point Izuku was full on sobbing. Choking in a breath, he finished.

"I love you Katsuki. Always have, always will! I love you so fucking much it hurts!" The doors to the roof opened. A disheveled Shouto appeared out of them.

"I love you."

He jumped.

Author's note: Heyyyyy...welcome to heartbreak central! Anywho, this is breaking my heart to write agghhhhhh. I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you at the end of the next chapter!

Date published: December 26th, 2018

Word Count: 342

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