Chapter 0.3

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Izuku sat in his room, the aroma from the dinner his mother was preparing made him realize how hungry he was. How he longed for something to eat, but he couldn't. He didn't deserve that delicacy.

After an hour or two, Inko softly knocked on her son's door. 'The food is ready.' Her voice was muffled by the door. Izuku's breath hitched at the sound of her soft voice. No screaming. No verbal, or physical, abuse. Just calmness. He wondered how long this would last.

'I'm not hungry.' He replied, loud enough to be heard through the door seperating them. He hadn't talked to anyone, not even himself, in almost a week. There was no more of his mumbling under his breath. No more crying, begging his mother to have mercy. It was just strangely quiet. Now, gow long is this going to last?

Inko opened the door, heavy bags under her unusually dull eyes. They used to be so pretty. What had happened? She sat down next to her son. Putting an arm around him. She glanced at his newly scarred arms that were left uncovered. He gave up on trying to hide them. Too much work, not enough energy.

'If you're going to do that,' Inko whispered into her son's ear, pausing for a split second, 'you might as well kill yourself.'

Izuku's eyes welled with tears. It's nothing he hadn't heard before...he was just surprised to hear it come out of his mother's mouth. If she was saying those things to her own son, it must be something most people want him to do.

'You're worthless,' Inko stood up, hovering over Izuku, 'You're pathetic.' 'Quirkless,' 'A waste of space.' The insults continued, Inko growing angrier with every comment. Izuku tuned her out, which earned him a particularly hasrh strike to the left side of his face. Then a kick. Then a punch to the nose, surely breaking it. It's not like his mother would take him to the hospital, he would just have to deal with it. He fell to the ground, curling himself into a fetal position as she continued her abuse. Izuku blacked out.

He awoke on his bed, covers pulled up, everything ached. Blood staining his clothing and sheets, along with being smeared on his face. He crinkled his nose at the tangy, metallic smell and taste of blood. He stood, unlocking his door, stepping out of his room for once. He limped down the stairs to the kitchen slowly, noticing the dinner food all gone. He opened the fridge, cupboards, pantry...there was no food left in the house. He then took notice of the note sitting plainly on the kitchen table. He picked it up, seeing his mother's curly, yet rushed, handwriting.

Dear Izuku,

I am leaving. I am not coming back, for I have nothing here that is important to me. Words cannot describe how much I regret your existence, honestly. You turned out to be just like your father, a major disappointment. Do not come looking for me, for I never want to see you again. I have wasted nearly fifteen years of my life trying to love and defend a pathetic, worthless, quirkless child. I cannot do it anymore. I am going insane. Quite honestly, I hate you, Izuku. Get a job, for I will no longer be paying the rent for the house you are currently staying in. Or don't, I don't really care what you do, as long as it doesn't involve me. Goodbye forever, Izuku.

Your Regretful Mother,
               Inko Midoryia.

Izuku didn't cry. He didn't scream. How could he when he felt so numb? So dead. Wasteful. Gone. Depressed. Empty. Stressed. He hated these feelings. He had to get a job, or else he'd be living on the streets.

As Izuku stepped back upstairs, he went into his mother's room. Her old room. Everything was gone. Her bed. Television. Dresser. Clothing. Everything. It made things feel so empty. So unwelcoming. Not like a home.

Homes are supposed to ve safe havens. Warm places. Where you always feel loved. This was not home. The vague memory of a time when this place once felt like home began to become a blur, it was so long ago that feeling. He closed the door, and turned to shuffle back to his own room.

He pushed himself back into bed, not caring to treat his injuries. His mother had wanted to leave for so long, but didn't. What had stopped her? Maybe Izuku would never know. At least her part of his abuse would be done and over with, forvever.

Forever is such a permanent word. Some people tell their loved ones that they'll 'be together forever.' There is no such thing as forever. Maybe until the end of that person's life, but that doesn't go on forever. Once you die, it's over. No second chances. Just darkness until the world ends, and the Sun explodes. Killing all remaining life on Earth. That would be so peaceful, no wouldn't it?

Izuku yearned for the end. That's when he decided, he couldn't wait until Christmas to give Katsuki his own, personal gift. He had to wait though. It wouldn't be as special on any other day of the year.  He would end his own life on December 25th, 20??. (A/N Use whatever year you prefer :P)

It was so close, he could pratically feel the joy. He pulled out his cellphone, texting his childhood friend.


Izuku: December 25th, right after you get done with family business. The school's roof, actually. I'll finally grant your wish as my last doing. :)

Izuku put his phone down, sighing with content. What is he thankful for on this Thanksgiving day? How close he was to death.

A/N: Whoopsies. Hope you guys enjoyed tha chapter...I wrote it when I'm supposed to be asleep. Shhhh. Anywho, you cab insert whatever year you'd prefer it to be when it talks about that shizzz. I am thankful, personally, for art, music, writing, my family, and all of the things I need to survive. What are you thankful for? HMMMM? Nah, I'm joking. Anywhoooo, I am actually really enjoying writing this story. (Mainly because of the angst. The angst bro.) P.S I'm gonna update You Love Him* tomorrow since I'm hella tired and need my beauty sleep. Hah, nah, I'm always ugly. But yeah, I hope it'll ve worth it. :)

Published: 11.22.18

Word count: 1029 (HoLy SmOkEs)

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