Where's everyone?

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|~~~~~Nico Yazawa's POV~~~~~|
School ended, I was tired. I need sleep. I flopped down onto my bed sighing in exhaustion. The thought about the wolf girl out there scares me a bit. Like, what? Why? What did we do to you? Why do you hate us?

Is it cause if the feud between vampires and werewolves? Or is it something else?

I don't want anyone else to get hurt because of her idiotic, selfish reasons. If it is because of the feud that is honestly so stupid. That shit happened long ago. It doesn't exist now. They're co-existing. So why is she ruining it?

I sighed in frustration. I groaned as I got off the bed. Everything was so quiet. Where's everyone? I mean, I do live somewhat alone. But my mom should've been here with my other siblings.

I glanced at the clock. She should have been here like 4 minutes ago. Did something happen?

Suddenly, all the negative possibilities rushed through me. What if they got in an accident? What if they died? What if they're captured somewhere?

I need to stop, there is no need for these right now.

I took a deep breath in and out, trying to calm myself. The thought of losing them scares me. What was I talking about? Oh, right, wolf girl.

Can't she see that we're human? That we have feelings? Sure I was recently turned into a vampire, but I understand their struggle. I have a pretty good guess on what her struggle is. Even though I don't know her.

She doesn't know muse and we don't know her.

I am so sorry for the looong wait and for this really short chapter. I don't normally promote my stories because I like people to just read them on their own without the author being like "hey you should check out my new story." No hate you do you. But I would love for you guys to check out "only told the moon".

I personally don't like promoting my stuff but please check it out. I'd be so happy to see what you guys thoughts would be. There are some parts where you can feel the pain, at least for me it did. And for someone that I share my stories so they can help me out. So thank you, you know who you are.

I'll see you there, love you all!


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