Thank god

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|~~~~~Nico Yazawa's POV~~~~~|
I decided to call my mom to see if she was alright. The phone rang and rang and rang. My heart was beating fast, my breath quickened. Then she picked up, "Nico? What's wrong?" She asked. "What's wrong? You haven't showed up to the apartment! I was so worried that something bad happened to you." I said trying to calm down.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry honey. There's just traffic but it's getting better. I'll be home in about 8-10 minutes."

"Ok, love you."

"Love you too, bye."

She hung up. Now I can be at ease. Thank god.

|~~~~~Maki Nishikino's POV~~~~~|
I ruffled through my bad, trying to find something that I remembered putting in here. Dammit! Where is it!? Don't tell me I left it in the beach house. Please don't tell me I left it there. Found it! I sighed in relief before taking it out.

An old picture of my family. I smiled weakly while staring at it, remembering the fun times I had with my dad before he passed away. He was a good man for the most part. I don't remember anything bad, except for him breaking my grand piano. But my mom bought me a new one.

I sighed quietly while putting the frame on top of my shelf.

"Maki? Are you coming for dinner?" Mom called out. "Yea! I'll be there in a bit!" I said.

I quickly brushed my hair before I headed downstairs. I went into the kitchen watching my mom place both plates down on the table. "How was school dear?" She asked softly. "It was good for the most part." I said sitting down on the chair.

She smiled softly and nodded, sitting down also. "How are the girls doing?" She asked while beginning to eat. "They're doing good." I replied beginning to eat as well. She nodded in response.

We are in silence. Usually we're good at keeping the conversation going. But lately it's been quiet. I'm guessing it's because my mom's just tired. I mean, she does work at a hospital. She's exhausted. Especially when they call her back into the hospital.

|~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~|
We finished eating, my mom got a call from the hospital to return back. She left a few minutes ago as I wash and clean the dirty dishes. Once I was finished I went back to my room.

The door was open. I didn't leave my door open and if my mom went in she would've closed it when she exited the door. I leaned against the wall, peering into my room slowly. There was a figure standing there. I quickly leaned back against the wall again. It's definitely not anyone that I know.

"You can come inside, besides it's your room after all."

I know this voice. I just can't wrap my head around it. Then it hit me, wolf girl.

"You've got some nerve breaking into my room like that." I said entering my room slowly. "Oh please, who leaves their window open." She replied looking at me. "What do you want." I asked coldly while crossing my arms.

She just smirked in response.

Cliffhanger! Sorry not sorry. What do you think will happen next?

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