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       Owen and I rode on his motorcycle to the T-rex padlock to check on Zeke before we left to go to Claire. I held up my badge to the camera nd the alarm went off. Owen was startled and that made me giggle. It was funny to watch a talk muscular man get scared by a quiet alarm. I walk lead him inside grabbing th bad of meat. We head to Zekes room and when we got inside we noticed we couldn't find him.
      "Zeke!" I called starting to get worried. Owen started to join in but at no use. I was about to call for help but I heard a rustling in the bushes. I looked to my right and saw the baby T-rex hiding in a bush.
        " Its ok Zeke come here boy." I told him crouching down. I signaled Owen to do the same and he did. Timidly Zeke walked out looking shaken and scared. I petted him and he called down but still didn't let his guard down. Owen stared at Zeke very interested. I grabbed Owen's hand making him blush. I placed his hand on the back of the t-rex. Owen smiled as Zeke purred.
       "He's really well behaved. How'd you do that? Aren't usually t-rexs super defiant at this age?" Owen asked me. I laughed and looked at him.
        "Usually yes because they are never separated from their parents, but this little one has never met his real mom so I was his replacement. He assumed my traits instead of his real mom's. I am planning to introduce the two eventually, but the bosses don't like that idea." I told him sadly. He looked confused
       "Why?" He asked.
        "Why do you think?" I told him looking back at Zeke.
       "Field Tests." He said finally realizing.
        "They higher ups don't want just a well behaving dinosaur they want a war machine. I don't like that idea. Zeke doesn't deserve that, he deserves to be with his people and not used to fight in a war.." I said as a lump grew in my throat. I was worried about what they might do to him. I felt something be place on my shoulder. I looked to see Owen's other hand. I smiled feeling not alone in this worry anymore. After I showed Owen the basics of Zeke we left to go see Claire. It took only 10 minutes to get there
          Once we got there we were greeted by Claire looking over a jungled area. I looked it over not seeing anything.
          "So, this is where you're keeping it?" Owen asked. Claire nodded and a crane lowered food into the cage.
           "That's what feeds it?" I asked.
            "Its never seen the outside world before, so we though this would be the safest." Claire explained.
            "Its has no idea where it belongs now Claire, it has no idea how to socialize, and the only positive relationship it's has is with that crane." Owen explained.
             "At least it knows that means food." I said. The food dangled their for a while and Claire got impatient. She banged on the glass.
          "I want a thermal scan of the enclosure." She told the security officer. He called her over and she gasped.
           "What? How that's impossible?! Where could it be?" Claire did franticly," I want corridents of I-rex now."
           "We're those claw marks always their?" Owen asked pointed ta the wall. There was long marks all the way down the wall. Claire gasped and looked through the window.
            "I'll go check it out." I said beginning to leave when Owen grabbed my arm.
           "Not without me your not. Well go together." He told me seeming to be very protective over me. Once we were inside we examined the claw marks as the security guy punched numbers in. The the intercom systems turn on.
          "It's _______go_____go!" He heard someone try to say. I felt breeze go past me and bushes rustled. The the radio kicked in.
          "You have to run! The I-rex it's still In there with you!" We heard Claire scream. Immediately we heard it roar. I was frozen as I saw it white skin emerge. Owen grabbed my wrist and pulled me along as the dino chased after us. The gate was closing and we slid through 8t just as the I-Rex broke through.
         Owen pushed us both under a car and placed a hand on my waist pulling me close to his side. Then I placed both hands on his neck. Then I heard whimpering I looked up to see the security man hiding behind a truck. The truck was flipped up and soon I watched I on in horror as the dino ate him whole. Owen took out I pocket knife and cut a gas line above us, spraying us with gasoline as to disguise our sent. The i-rex appears next the truck and sniffed. Once he realizes that their is no one it leaves. It crawl out from the truck and look it the jungle. I could hear it walking. I backed away and started silently sobbing. Owen grabbed my head and pulled me closer to him. I cried into his chest and he soothed me. Once I was finished we were both kissed we got on Owen motor bike we sped towards the control center.

            To an old friend who needs to explain what the heck just happened.

For Survival (Owen Grady x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now