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Mazie screamed in pure terror. The Indoraptor leapt through the glass. The ceiling and different parts of the encloser knocking Claire, Mazie, and me down. I grabbed Mazie, with Claire's help pulled her out. I heard Claire scream and I turned. The massive beast had it's claw dug into right above her knee.

"Hey, you overgrown lizard! This way!" I yelled to it. Owen looked at me like I was was crazy which I was.

"What are you doing?!" Owen yelled back.

"I have no idea! Come on you Barney rip off." I yelled to the large beast. It snapped it's head towards me and Mazie and roared. I grabbed Mazie and together we both ran out of the exhibit room with the Indoraptor, close behind.

We dashes up the tall wooden stairs with Mazie leading me. The gigantic beast raced after us slamming it's huge body into the walls. Mazie led me down a thin hallway.

"Quick in here." She said leading me into the same laundry shoot. It was a tight fit but me managed to squeeze in. We were about to close the door when we looked up to see the Indoraptor charging down the hallway. It roared and hissed. Me and Mazie whimpered and with one mighty pull fueled by fear we slammed the door and listened to the mighty beast run straight into the door. I helped Mazie pull us up and we quietly climbed out of the door. She pulled me into a room I could only guess was her room. She dragged me to her bed and I pulled the covers over us. We whimpered and I scooted Mazie closer to me. I heard tapping and clawing overhead of us and both our breaths caught in our throats as the shadow of a monster appeared on the wall. I turned my head when I heard a door handle turn. Mazie and I watched in horror as the Indoraptor silently enter the room. It's massive head slowly turned towards the bed and I crept closer to us.

I wrapped Mazie protectively in my arms, and she cried as the beasts massive arm stretched towards us across the bed. It's head got closer and it's seliva dropped down from it massive teeth.

I felt a small tear slip down my cheek and held Mazie tighter. I squeezed my eyes shut and prepared for death.

Then it happened.

A loud bang came from the door and the beasts attention was taken by that. Owen appeared tgrough the door aiming a gun straight at the monster.

"Y/n, Mazie! Stay down!" Owen yelled. I held Mazie tighter as Owen unloaded a whole round of bullets into the beast. Owen looked at it, anger shown brightly in his face. The beast crumpled to the ground and whimpered, but it soon began to rise again. Mazie, Owen, and my eyes went wide.

The beast let the bullets fall to the floor, with soft clings. It towered over Owen and he threw the gun to the ground. He backed up against the wall fear taking over his eyes. Then a roar was heard from the door. Blue was standing in the door way roaring threatingly at the Indoraptor. Blue pounced upon the beast tearing into his back.

Mazie screamed and Owen ran to us. He put his strong arms around us and shushed us. The two raptor fought each other vishously. The Indoraptor slammed Blue into Christmas lights and threw her at the bed. We moved right out of the way, as Blue crushed the bed. We ran to the window nearly avoiding the Indoraptor, but thanks to Blue she knocked it out of the way.

"Hurry! This way!" Mazie said leading us over the balcony railing. We side shuffled across the very thin edge of the mansion. The rain poured down, the salt droplets stinging my wound.

"Come on! Come on!" Mazie yelled to us. She lead us around the corner of the building, and right as I was halfway across a window, the Indoraptor burst threw it. Mazie screamed and we all slid down the roof, the Indoraptor falling down next to us.

The mightly beast roared when it saw us. I pointed to a glass roof dome with a metal ladder. Owen ushered us up quickly and we rushed up with the mighty beast running up as well. We ran across a metal beam sitting right in the middle.

We ran to the very edge of the dome and stopped in our tracks. Our hearts sank when we looked over the edge. It was a straight drop 100 feet. We all turned around, Owen standing protectively in front of me and me standing protectively in front of Mazie. The Indoraptor slowly crept up the metal ladder and placed a foot on the thin glass floor.

The place where the beasts foot stood the glass shattered. The Indoraptor looked at the whole realizing what just happened. It growled and looked at us. It roared and pounded the metal bar in its furry. Mazie screamed and slipped off the side dragging me with her. At the last second I grabbed a stone statue, my injured shoulder screaming in pain.

Owen looked towards me about to reach his hand out.

"Turn around!" I screamed. He flew around to see the Indoraptor getting closer. The statue I was holding onto was cracking and I looked to Mazie. Then I heard a loud banging. Owen and I looked past the huge beast to see Claire banging a gun against the metal bar and yelling. The beast saw her to and slowly edged it's way back to her. With this time Owen grabbed us and pulled us all back onto the glass platform.

"Owen....the glass. Get it on the glass." I told him. He nodded and looked at Claire. Claire understood and turned on a lazer and pointed it at Owen. Owen held his arms out and the beast turned to him, growling and getting read to pounce. Then Claire pressed the button. A loud beeping broke through the rain and the Indoraptor and Owen charged at each other.

Owen dove underneath it and slid off the dome landing on the concrete roof. The beast burst through the glass roof and hung on the side of it barely still hanging on. It swung their for a minute trying to climb up. It eventually did and we gasped as it locked eyes with Owen.

It growled and huffed, but right before it attacked, a roar was heard.

Blue appeared on the roof top behind the beast. Blue leapt through the air landing on the Indoraptor's back. The two crashed through the roof. We watched in horror as the two fought through the air.m, ending with the Indoraptor getting impaled by the triceratops skull. The large beast gave one last growl, but died shortly after. Blue roared in triumphth and leapt off the beast carcus. She roared one last time before running off. We all stared at each other trying to process what just happened. We all slowly made our way to each other. I gave Mazie to Owen and Claire and fell to my knees.

My shoulder hissed and I took deep breaths. I felt strong arms pull me up and looked at who they belonged to. My tired eyes met Owen's loving ones and he closed the distance between us. I happily kissed back through my arms around his neck. When we pulled away I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck and he placed his head on my shoulder.

"I thought I'd never get to do that again." Owen whispered into my ear. I giggled and held him tighter ignoring the hissing pain in my shoulder.

"No matter what would've happened I would have still been with you." I told him lovingly. I felt him smile.

"What the hell?" We heard a voice say from the exhibit room. We all peered timidly through the hole to see Franklin and Zia staring in disbelief at the dead Indoraptor.

"Hey!" Owen yelled out. The two looked up and smiled.

"Hey! You, good?" Franklin asked. I gave him a 'really' look and shrugged my shoulders.

"Ya. You?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Nope." Franklin answered.

"We have an issue downstairs. I need you to come see this." Zia said.

For Survival (Owen Grady x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now