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*Your POV*

          I grabbed my rifle and slammed the Pteranodon's head with the butt of my rifle. It screeched loudly as it tried to get back up. I flipped the rifle around and shot in 3 times. Owen looked shocked as  I helped him up. I was a bout to help the others get to safety when Owen cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. It was a hard kiss, but still passionate. I kissed back closing my eyes as the world around us went into slow motion. When we pulled away he placed his forehead on mine and we just stood their.

         "You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that," he said smirking. I smiled and held onto him.

          "And you don't know how long I've been wanting you to do that." I told him giggling. Claire taped on my shoulder. I turned and blushed. Gray was laughing and Zach was just smirking. 

          "Let's go we need to-" Claire began but was cut off by Owens radio.

           "Owen!" I heard Barry's voice yell.

            "Copy." Owen said.

            "Oh my god you're OK! Is (Y/n) with you?" Barry asked frantically.

            "Yes, shes here whats wrong? Don't tell me one of the raptors got out as well!" He told him starting to get scared. 

             "Hoskins, hes got a field test." Barry said concern flooded his voice.I knew him, he was the agent from InGen who tried to get me to sign an application for Zeke. He was always looking for a new war machine and ever since dinosaurs came around that's all he wants. Owens face turned from scared to pissed. He grabbed my hand and the others followed us quickly. Once we got to the raptor enclosure we saw Hoskins walking towards us. I told Claire and the boys to wait by one of the trucks. I turned to see Owen punching Hoskins right in the nose. He bent over holding it. Owen was a bout to hit him again but I grabbed his arm.

             "It's not worth it Owen." I said glaring as Hoskins stood up. He smiled when he saw me.

             "What a coincidence I was bout to send men over to your padlock to retrieve the T-Rex." he told me smirking. I couldn't hold back. I punched him right in the nose, and hear a satisfying crack. Gray and Zach ran over with Claire close behind.

              "Geeze, Owen, you're girlfriends a bad ass," Zach said laughing as Hoskins got back up bleeding. 

              "Stay, away from our animals," I said glaring daggers at Hoskins. I heard a loud screech and turned to see Zeke tied down on a table being moved somewhere else. I yelled his name and ran towards them pushing the guards out of the way. I was about to attack the guards, but Owen picked me off them and carried me away.

               "Come on Owen you know that these raptors are qualified," Hoskins said. "Were doing this with or without you two." 

               Just then I heard Barry's voice.

              "(Y/n)! You're alive thank god!" Barry ran up to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged back because I had also thought he might have died. I saw Owen watching us looking at little jealous. Once he saw me noticing him he turned away. He was blushing I giggled and let go. 

              "I manged to get Zeke out of this because of his size.......but the raptors." Barry said with the look of defeat. I hugged him again and we moved over to where Hoskins, Owen, and other soldiers huddled over a map.

              "Don't shoot my raptors. Please" Owen told the soldiers. I was confused. The soldiers left leaving only me and Owen. 

              "Owen? What is happening?" I asked seeing Blue, Delta, Charlie, and Echo being dragged into a muzzle. 

               "Were going to send the raptors out to find her." He said. He grabbed my hand and lead me over to a pair of motorcycles. WE wait their for a couple of minutes when all of sudden the raptors were out and already tracking the I-Rex.  


For Survival (Owen Grady x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now