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*Owens's POV*

       I awoke to see, (Y/n) passed out on the ground. I tried to yell out to her, but no sound came out. The a shadow came over top of me. I couldn't move my head but I felt a slimy tongue lick me. A huge Triceratops, stood over top of me. With its tongue it pushed my head from side toside. Its saliva sticking pieces of twigs and leaves to my face. I groaned trying to call for (Y/n).

    Then the huge dinosaur, stood on its hind legs and fell on the ground. One of its feet landing right next to (Y/n)'s head. Her eyes shot open and looked at me. The dinosaur, flipped around pushing us both on our stomachs. We looked forward to see lava slowly inching its way towards us. I heard (Y/n) yell. Her (e/c) eyes filled with fear. We managed to arch our back and we swung our legs getting on to our backs again. 

     Lava touches (Y/n)'s boot causing both of us to get more motivation to move faster. We began slowly flipping over and over finally getting over a log. By this point we had gotten most feeling back. We stood up using each other as a stabilizer. (Y/n) stood against me and I placed an arm our her waist, protectively. We watched as the jeep in front of us crumpled as the lava over took i      (Time Skip)

*Your POV*

       Owen and I after nearly  escaping the lava ran out into the open. We saw Claire and Franklin.

        "(Y/n)? Owen?" Claire said very confused. 

        "RUN!" I screamed. Immediately after dinosaurs of all kinds charged out of the jungle. The volcano blew at that moment launching rocks at us. All four of us ran down the mountain avoiding dinos' and rocks. I pointed to a log, hiding an old gyro-sphere. We hid behind the log as dinosaurs broke the log around us. 

      Once all the log was gone Owen pointed to the gyro-sphere. 

     "Get in." He said. Claire and Franklin went in first. I climbed in next. 

     "Hurry, get in." I told Owen holding out a hand. He was about to grab it when we heard a growl. Owens face went white as we turned around to see a Carniaurous, looking at Owen. He slowly went around the sphere keeping the sphere between him and the dinosaur. 

          The animals, massive head came right to the door and it growled not taking it's eyes off of Owen. It then charged, but not at Owen, but at another Triceratops. It bit at it, and I saw Owen dodge as it fell. The two continued to fight, but in the end the Triceratops threw the carniasaurous on the ground. As the triceratops ran it knocked the gyro-sphere and it began rolling. Owen ran to the door, but was to late. The door slammed shut. 

               I pounded on the door trying to get it to open. The carniasaurous had gotten back up, and had noticed Owen. It was about to attack when out of no where, a T-Rex bit down on it's neck. The T-Rex slammed it on the ground, it looked up and roared as the mountain behind exploded. It took off knocking the sphere and it began to roll.

         Owen ran behind the sphere trying to keep up. I jumped o the back of the sphere and watched in horror as the black smoke surrounded him.

       "Owen!" I screamed. I turned to see the edge of a cliff. We all screamed as the black smoke surrounded us and then we shot off the cliff. We watched as we hit the ocean below.

      "Were alive!" Franklin said as he celebrated.

      "We have to get out!" Claire said. Then we all noticed we were sinking. 

      "Claire, (Y/n), were sinking. No, no, no." Franklin said fear leaking into his voice. He banged on the glass as the wall began to let in water. A melted rock crashed through the roof letting more water in. Soon we were completely summered. The water was now waist high.

   "Owen!" Claire said. I turned to see Owen swimming next to us. He pulled out a gun and motioned for us to get back. He began to fire two shots, but before he could fire a third, something hit his arm. I pressed up against the glass, the water now chest high. I stared fearfully into Owens eyes. 

     "Where's he going!" Franklin screamed. Owen began to swim up and the water was now chin high.

      "Were not going to make it," Franklin said.

     "Yes, yes we are, take a deep breath." I said. Now the entire sphere was full of water. We banged against the glass, when Owen came back. He held his knife up and picked up the door.

     Soon, the door gave way and we all swam up. Franklin had trouble, so I grabbed his hand and yanked him out.  We swam to the surface gasping.

    We all crawled on to the beach, and I flopped down on he sand. The cold waves rushing over us.

   "Where's Zia?" Claire asked sitting up.

   "It was a double crossing, the took her an Blue." Owen said. "Can you still track him?"

      Franklin pulled out the soaked tracker. He threw it on the sand.

    "Not anymore." He said.

    "It was all a lie. Bastard! It was all a lie!" Claire screamed throwing sand in frustration. The we  saw a chopper carrying a very distressed T-Rex. Something was familiar about that one. Then my eyes widened. That was Zeke. 

    "Not all of it." I said following it to the docks. I was going to get revenge. We were going to find out what was happening.

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