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           *Your POV*

      By the time Owen and I made it back to our site, it was dark. We gathered the things we left outside and headed to our van. Once we got inside I warmed us up some left overs. Once we were finished I took our plates and began to wash them when I heard Owen's voice. He was sitting at the computer watching the old research videos. His voice rang out as he talked to the raptors.

       "You guys been eating sugar today, your hyper" I heard the recording say. I walked over to him and put my arms around his neck and hugged him. I kissed his cheek and he smiled. I looked at the screen and saw the four raptors playing with multiple dog toys. I laughed as I saw Charlie and Delta run into each other trying to catch food. 

     "You miss her don'tcha?" I asked him. He shook his head and kissed my cheek. I let go and walked into the bedroom area. I grabbed a bag and started throwing whatever I though I needed in it. Fresh clothes, food, water, treats for Blue, and my ring. I held it to my heart and thought of Owen. He sleeps in, so I might even be able to sneak out. I heard foot steps approaching so I kicked the bag under the bed. Owen walked in smiling.

     "What are you doing?" he asked. I stepped towards him trying to hide the bag.

     "N-N-Nothing." I lied. He chuckled and walked towards me. He snaked his arms around my waist.

    "You might be good at training dinosaurs, but you aren't at lying now what are you-" he stopped seeing the packed bag.

   "No." He told me looking stern. His grip tightened around me.

  "Owen, I have to." I told him trying to escape your grip.

  "It's to dangerous, you can't go." He told me not letting go.

  "Owen, I'll be fine, I have too." I said finally getting out of his hold. I turned around and took out my bag. I heard Owen sigh and he set a bag next to mine. He took out some other things and began packing.

     "Owen what are you doing?" I asked looking at him confused.

    "I know you, and when your mind is set you can never be talked out of it, so if your gonna go I'm gonna go." he told me. I jumped into his arms and hugged him. Happily, he spun me around eventually setting me down. I held his face and smiled. He soon closed the distance and we stayed in that passionate kiss for a while. 

        When we pulled apart we placed our foreheads together.

      "I love you, (Y/n) (L/n)." he said holding me closer.

     "I love you, Owen Grady." I told him hugging him. 


        Owen's head was in my lap, our bags down on the floor. I brush his hair back as we heard voices from outside. 

  Claire stepped into the small aircraft and smiled as she saw me. She sat down in front of me and Owen sat up, Claire looked shocked.

     "Owen. (Y/n)" she said looking at us.

      "Thought you were never going to show up." he said looking at the other people coming in.

      "This is Zia Rodriguiez and Franklin Webb." Claire introduced us. I shook Zia's hand and sat down in the back. I looked at Franklin and he was tightening his seat belt, as much as it could.

     "Nervous flyer?" I asked him.

     "Would you ride a 1000 pound horse, that's been abused all its life." He asked me.

For Survival (Owen Grady x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now