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*Your POV*

Owen and I went back to the raptor cages to grab out guns, once we gathered our things we got into one of the jeeps. As we were driving along I noticed Owen seemed uncomfortable. I looked over to him still griping my rifle.

"what's wrong?" I asked him. He snapped out of his trance and looked at me.

"Nothing, just.........Claire," he told me. There was a slight part of my heart that ached when he told me this. I looked away trying to hide my hurt. It didn't work and he noticed.

"Whats wrong with you?" he asked pulling his eyes back to the road.

"What's wrong with Claire?" I asked hiding the hurt in my voice.

"We went on a date once and I think she still thinks were still dating. She was zero fun," He told me turning into where the gyro-spheres herbivore tour goes.

"How can she be zero fun? Isn't that like impossible?" I asked chuckling. He smirked and continued.

"Well for one her diet didn't allow tequila." He told me.

"What?! How does a diet NOT allow tequila!" I laughed. He did as well.

"I know right! But anyways then she has an itinerary for the date?!" he told me laughing. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Then she didn't even like what I was wearing," he told me as he drove into where the fence was cracked.

"What'd you wear?" I asked curiously. He smiled.

"Boarding shorts." he said. I laughed. "What its hot here!"

"Understandable." I said. He parked the car when we came up to a gyro-sphere. It was flipped upside down and was party broken. Owen grabbed his rifle and I did the same. We cautiously. Once we got up to it I looked it over. It had blood on it and a tooth stuck in it. I climbed on it and yanked the tooth out.

"You don't think-" I began put Owen bent down and picked up a small box. It was a phone, screen cracked beyond repair. Owen shook his head as he dropped the phone and pointed to the ground.

"No, they made it out, look and it followed them," He said. He was right there were two foot prints on the ground and bigger ones a couple of steps behind theirs. They were still fresh. We followed them to a cliff with a water fall.

"They jumped." Owen said.

"Brave kids." I said, we walked down to where the bank was and saw two human imprints and more footprints. No I-Rex ones though, that was a good sign. We continued to walk through the forest following the footprints. Until we came upon a scary sight. One of the Jurassic World Jeeps covered in blood. I bent down a picked up a bloody helmet. The name on it said 'Maxwell'. I sighed and dropped the helmet. I turned and continued to walk leaving Owen behind, he grabbed my arm stopping me.

"What's wrong?" he asked concern in your eyes. I walked back over and picked up the helmet. I handed it to him and he read it.

"Collin Maxwell. Age 19, supply delivery assistant. He had just been moved from the T-Rex research project. We had worked together for two years, I knew each other for 7. He was so young, and I-I-I" I felt tears rise up in my eyes. "I convinced him to apply for a job in Jurassic World. Its my fault," I said, Owen was about to say something, but I stopped him. I place the helmet below a tree and said good bye. I left without saying a word.

We walked in silence until we came upon an old building. I was about to walk in when Owen placed his arm in front of me protectively. He placed a finger to his lips, signaling me to stay quiet. He grabbed my hand, tightly causing me to blush. I knew he didn't like me, and probably never would, but it still caused my heart to skip a beat. I never knew how to tell him how much I care for him and the though made me scared. Once we were inside we realized we were standing an old Jurassic Park building. I looked around, excitedly making sure to notice every detail. I was sure thought everything of the old parks were destroyed. Owen and me walking into the garage area and saw an old jeep sitting there. The paint rusted but still easily recognizable. You smiled thinking about the parks, but Owen snapped you back. You set both your rifles against the jeep and continued to search.

"Owen Look, tire tracks, they drove out of here, in one of the jeeps." You said, they were alive and not dead. Hopefully.

"How did they get one of these old rust buckets to drive?" he asked still looking. That's when we heard it. A low growl. I turned to see the I-Rex's snout poking around the corner of the garage. Owen grabbed me by my waist pulling us both down to the ground hiding behind the old jeep. The I-Rex sniffed and growled. I griped Owens shirt tightly in fear for my life. I heard it move closer and Owen tightened his grip around me. I blushed but was still terrified. We both heard it back away and leave. We sighed and I held Owen off the ground. Once we were both up, he still held my hand smiling at me. I blushed and so did he when realized he hadn't let go. We backed away from each other and grabbed our rifles. Maybe he did like me, or maybe not, I guess there is now a huge possibility and I can't wait till this is over to find out.

"If they were smart-" Owen began but was cut off. Over head, the I-Rex burst through the roof. I screamed knocking Owen out of the way of fallen debris. We raced out of that place leaving the I-Rex ton find a way out. We made to a clearing when my radio went off. I watched as an out of control helicopter circled and lost control. Then a voice came over the radio.

"(Y/N) (L/N)! ITS MR. MASRANI!" I heard the parts direct yell over the radio. Then I realized that the person piloting the chopper was Mr. Masrani.

"Mr. Masrani? Are you OK whats going on?" I yelled into the radio.

"Please........(Y/n).......take care of my park." Mr. Masrani told me. Then I watched the helicopter plummeted into the Aviary. I cried out as I watch the park director die. Owen pulled me into a tight hug. I cried onto his chest and he placed his chin on the head.

"Owen I-I-I......H-Hes dead!" I cried. He lifted my face up, forcing me too look at him. I blushed and tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let me.

"Hey, hey, hey its OK. Were gonna get through this. I promise. Well get through this. Together." he told, me I was now blush a dark red and Owen smirked. He leaned in about to kiss me when we heard a load scream. He pulled away and we both ran towards the park. Once we were inside we saw Claire running at us.

"Thank god you guys are OK! Did you find them?" Claire asked not letting go of Owen.

"No, but their in the park now we followed their footprints and they lead in here." Owen explained. Claire jumped into his arms giving him a kiss on the cheek. I felt my heart break and I turned away from them. Owen put Claire down and turned to me.

"Claire is that them." I asked bitterly towards her. I pointed at two boys one appears to be in high school and the other in middle. Claire yelled their names as we ran towards them. She hugged them and kissed them.

"Zack......Gray.......don't you dare ever run away again!" she yelled while crying.

"Who are they?" the smaller one asked. Claire turned around forgetting that we were there. She smiled and looked at us.

"This is Owen Grady, our head of our raptor division, and this is (Y/n) (L/n), our T-Rex trainer. And this is Zack and Gray." Claire introduced us. Both of the boys faces lit up.

"You deal with T-Rexs'! And Raptors?!" the little one asked excitedly. Owen and I nodded. Just then we heard a screech. We turned to see thousands of dinos flying at us.

"Ms. Claire!" we heard a voice yelled behind us. We turned to see a black hair woman running towards us.

"Zara!" Claire yelled back. Zara was about to say something, but then one of the dinosaurs picked her off the ground. We watched in horror as she was lifted into the air. The dino took her over the tank of water but dropped her. She screamed as she thrashed around in the water. We all ran to the tank and watched. The dino flew down to her picking her up again. As the dino flew upward the Meossaurous leap up out of its tank and ate both. I felt Gray grab my arm and hold on in fear. I hugged him protecting him. I heard more screeching and turned to see more of the coming. We all began running and then I heard Owen scream. I turned to see a Pteranodon on top of him trying to eat him.

Hey guys its me, i hope you liked this chapter, I really enjoyed writing it. My heart hurt when Mr. Masrani said" (Y/n) take care of my park" that hurt my heart and Im the one who wrote the darn thing.

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