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            *Your POV*

      I hammered away at the cabin supports. Owen was working on the awning, him singing along with the music. I laughed and looked at my engagement ring, it glinted in the sun. Owen had a few months earlier had proposed and she nearly tackled him saying yes. The ring was silver and it wrapped around four stones. One green, one yellow, one purple, and one blue, and right in the middle sat a red stone. Owen got it specially made for you each stone for a dinosaur you loved. The green one Echo, the yellow one Charlie, the purple one Delta, the blue one Blue, and the red one is Zeke. I smiled and continued to work.

       "Owen! (Y/n)!" I heard a familiar voice call.

       "Oh boy." I heard Owen mumble. We turned to see Claire standing there. I set my hammer down and looked at her.
       "Come back for more?" Owen asked. Claire sighed.
        "Can I buy you guys a drink?" She asked.
        "Did you bring them or do we gotta like go somewhere?" I asked.
  (Time skip)
Claire's laughter rang out through the bar. We each had a beer and me ad Owen were secretly holding hands under the table.

        "I can't believe you guys think you left me!" Claire laughed out. I took a sip of my beer.

       "Re play the conversation in your head." Owen told her. I nodded.

       "You said ' You want to go live in your van like a bum go ahead, (Y/n), Owen' and we said ok." I told her.

       "And how is that you leaving me?" Claire asked.

       "Because we left you. We left you." Owen told her. She rolled her eyes.

        "You left because I told you too." Claire said to us.

       "And then WE left. Because you didn't want to live in a van on the side of the road. " I said sipping my beer. I looked at Claire and smiled.

        "No, because you wouldn't let me drive the damn van for 5 minutes!" Claire snapped. Owen sipped his beer.

       "Were chivalrous, what can we do." I told her.

       "You two are so stubborn." she said rolling her eyes again.

        "Look at you now your saving the world." Owen said.

         "Well I'm trying to at least, you can't just run away from everything, guys." she said bitterly. I glared at her, beginning to get annoyed.

       "So your what, dating an accountant now? Insurance Actuary?" Owen asked. Claire shook her head trying to avoid the question. I glared at Owen. Why did he care what who she dated.

      "Your skin looks nice." He said. I kicked him and drank my beer. I glared at him starting to feel jealous.

       "Dermatologist?" He said. I let out a quiet laugh. AS Claire was getting fed up.

       "Owen." Claire said.

      "Does he check you for moles?" I asked getting a laugh from Owen. He squeezed my hand and I leaned on his shoulder. 

      "Stop." Claire said tying to keep her cool.

      "Ventriloquist?" Owen asked. Claire just glared at us.

      "This is not why were here." Claire said holding her head. She was regretting coming to get us, she now remembers how annoying we are. 

       "Ya we know why were here, Lockwood's little flunkie called us. Rescue op, save the dinosaurs from an island that's about to explode. What could go wrong?" I told her. She huffed and looked at us.

     "I'm going." She told us. I was shocked, she was the last person I ever thought would go through with a stupid idea like this one.

     "Don't." Owen said. 

      "I don't have a choice." Claire said.

      "What?! Of course you have a choice." Owen said getting a little agitated. I squeezed his hand re assuring him.

       "So what I should just build my own cabin, play pool, and drink beer all day while these dinosaurs go extinct!?" She asked us. I looked down, she knew this hit close to home. Zeke wouldn't have made it so her bringing it up that I didn't care hurt.

      "Yeah. I like pool." Owen said. He took a long sip of beer. I looked up to Claire tears watery up in my eyes.

      "Blue is alive." Claire said. That line snapped me out of my train of thought. 

      "Jesus Claire." I told her looking at her.

      "You raised her guys, you spent years of your life working with her. You're just going to let her die?" Claire asked hoping to get me and Owen to re consider. 

       "Well, yeah." he her sipping his beer. Claire stared at us in dis belief. 

      " Come on, your better man than you think you are." She told us.

      "You should right fortune cookies." I told her.

      "Forget it I-there's a charter flight leaving tomorrow morning, you two are on the manifest. I just wanted to let you know." she said storming out. I stood to follow her out.

      "Where are you going?" Owens asked our hands still together.

      "I forgot to give her something, Ill be right back." I lied. I walked out to her and grabbed her arm.

     "Hey! Who-....oh its you." She said bitterly. I let go.

     "When does the flight leave?" I asked. I watched her eyes light up. I was going, whether Owen did or not. Whether he wanted me to go or not. I was going. I was going to find Blue. I was going to help save the animals I spent years with. I was going to save the dinosaurs. Or die trying. What could go wrong. 

For Survival (Owen Grady x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now