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*Owen's POV*

I fell asleep snuggled up to (Y/n), her hand slightly underneath my shirt. I rested my head a top her's and smiled.

I woke up to no (Y/n) and Claire nudging me. I blinked the sleepiness out of my eyes. I looked up at Claire, Zia, and Franklin, they all wore the same worried expression. I sat up and looked for (Y/n), a sinking feeling swelling in my heart. Claire pointed to the opening of the truck. I nodded and slightly opened the door.

(Y/n), stood her hands in the air with a pistol pointed at her head. Wheatly stood in front of her a sick smile spread across his twisted face.

"Hey sweetheart. Where's your boyfriend?" I heard Wheatly ask. Her eyes caught mine and she gulped. She told him something, but was cut of by the man holding the gun to her head, kicking the back of her knee. She yelped as her head hit the ground with a sickening crack. Anger rose up in my chest and rage clouded my thought.

I lunged at Wheatly, but Zia grabbed my shoulders struggling to hold me back. I tried to pull away as I watched her bite Wheatly's ankle. He screamed and kicked her noise. I growled and tried again to attack him but failed. He picked her up off the ground. My heart shattered as I watched blood gush from her nose.

"We have to go." I said as tears stung my eyes. Claire placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"We have to wait till morning." Zia said. I grunted in frustration.

"We have to go now! Who knows what they'll do to her." I said as a silent tear fell down my cheek.

"Owen, keep your voice down. She just got captured to save us, don't let her capture go in vain. I'm sure she'll be fine." Claire said.

"I just......shes my world...... I have to save her......please...... I need her." I said. Claire nodded. I sat in silence hoping she would be ok. She meant everything to me. I couldn't imagine a world without her.

She was my love.

She was my life

She was my (Y/n)

(Time skip, morning.)

The trucks began to move. I had no idea if (Y/n) was ok, but thanks to the other support I still had hope. Claire and I hoped in the driver's street. Soon all the trucks began to load off and we followed them. I grew anxious as we drove into Lockwoods estate.

"We go in their find (Y/n) and get out. Then we hit the nearest town and call the calvary and get this shut down." I explained. Then I felt a gun pressed into my temple. I looked over to see Wheatly hanging off the side of the truck. He huffed, obviously out of breath. He gave me the same sick smile he gave (Y/n). I felt the same rage come back to me.

"Hello friend. Should've stayed on the island. Better odds." Wheatly said.

We were dragged into the Lockwoods estate and brought down to the lab area. They brought me and Claire down to a cage right in the middle. My heart stopped when I saw who inhabited the cage.

"(Y/n)?" I called out, only to be met by her frightened eyes.

*Your POV*

Owen looked shocked as he and Claire were thrown into the same cage as me. I immediately ran up to him and threw my arms around his neck. He lovingly embraced me back. I sobbed into his shoulders all the build up tears from the fear I had experienced over the past days coming out. He pulled away and cupped my hurt face.

"Are you ok? What did those assholes do to You? I'm so happy your alive. I thought I would never see you again. Don't ever do that again." He told me rapidly. I closed the distance between us and we shared a passionate kiss. I let all the stress melt away when I kissed him. He reluctantly pulled away when we heard a slowly clap.

We turned to see Mr. Mills and Wheatly looked at us on the other side of the bars.

"Listen guys I'm so sorry for.......everything that I have done. It was the only way for us to get the raptor." Mr. Mills sarcastically apologized. Claire lunged at him. Owen grabbed her and picked her back. He began accusing Claire of using these animals, I couldn't hear anything besides the blood rushing in my ears from all the anger. I snapped out of it when he turned the attention to Owen.

"And you the man who proved raptors could follow orders. You never thought of the applications of you research Owen." He told Owen's. I told a threatening step forward and his attention was finally turned to me.

"And you. The strong, confident woman who showed everyone that a T- Rex could follow orders. I bet all you wanted was the fame you get from your research. You exploited those animals just the same as I did. Your nothing but a little rat who'd do anything for money. Your three are the parents of the New World." He said insulting me. I felt a tear slip down my cheek. Owen took a deep breath and grabbed Mills's arm he pressed it against a bar.

"Let him go." Wheatly said holding up a gun. I place a hand on Owen's shoulder.

"Owen." I said.

"I think I'll break it." Owen said. He looked into my eyes but reluctantly let him go.

"(Y/n), I-" Mills began but was cut off by me grabbed his tie and slamming his face into the bars. His nose hitting the bars with a sickening crack. Owen let out small laughs as Mills stood back up, holding his broken glasses.

"What should we do with them?" Wheatly asked.

"As far as anyone's else is concerned they burned up on the island." Mills said. And they both left without another word. I slid down the wall tears skidding down my cheeks. Owen sat down next to me and picked me up and placed me on his lap, cradling me. I cried softly into his chest and began to slow my tears. He smelt so good even though he had almost been killed six times. I loved him. Even though we were still in a terrifying cage about to die. He was my love.

He was my life.

He was my Owen.

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