Chapter 9 - He Heard

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It was January 5; it was the bronze medal game. Canada lost to Russia in the semi-finals; now Canada was playing against Finland. Marie still hadn't talked to Scott about anything; she hasn't even talked to him since December 31. Marie couldn't talk to Scott even if she wanted to, he wouldn't let her. Marie couldn't talk to him because she got too nervous.

"Marie you're going to the bronze medal game, right?" Félicité asked her while she struggled to put her earrings on.

"Ya, even though, Scott is still angry at me I want him to hear the real story of what happened. That and I would be stupid to not go," expressed Marie as she stood up and grabbed her coat.

"Wait, you have to get ready, first." Félicité stopped Marie.


"Well, if you are going to tell Scott the truth, you have to look good while doing it." Félicité told her. Marie rolled her eyes, but she was right. Marie and the rest of the girls got ready for some reason;

Marie wore her hair in a ponytail. She wore onyx drop earring, with a beige hoddie over top of a plain white shirt, tight black jeans, pink and black plaid high tops and a necklace with gold and black on it.

Tiffany wore her blond hair down, with gold and black drop earrings; a simple white top, a black elbow cardigan, a pair of blue jeans, a black onyx necklace, and black flats.

Lacey wore her brown hair in a side ponytail, with silver earrings with numerous silver beads; a light gray scarf, an orange jacket overtop a white printed shirt, gray skinny jeans, and black shooties.

CJ wore her brown hair straight, with a pair of diamond square drop earrings, a black and blue plaid jacket, with black jeans and silver glitter high tops.

Félicité had her long brown hair curly. She wore diamond drop earrings, a black sweater over top a white top and black skinny jeans with a bead ring.

When the girls arrived at the arena they were surprised to see that Matthew wasn't there, "Do you know where Matthew is?" Félicité asked Niall even though she wasn't even paying attention to him.

"He took an early flight home; he didn't want to talk to Marie after the you know what." He whispered, trying not to bring up the kiss.

"I am going to see if I can talk to Scott. CJ want to come with me?" Marie asked as she started to walk towards the stairs to the change rooms.

"I rather not." She replied, acting a bit weird.

Marie walked down the stairs. She was let in because they knew who Marie was. She just had to hurry and talk to Scott quickly. She started walking down the hall she then stopped at a picture of CJ, she looked at it for a while, "Um... excuse me." Marie stopped a volunteer.

"Why is my friend on the wall of 'Don't allow'?" asked Marie confused. "Is that... Steven Harper?" Marie questioned.

"Well she grabbed a hold of Scott Charleson's leg and yelled through the whole hallway," explained the volunteer, not paying attention to Marie's Steven Harper comment.

"Yelling? That's a rule here?" Marie muttered to herself. "I just have 1 more question." Marie brought up.

"And what is it?" The volunteer asked.

"Do you have the video?" Marie smiled. The volunteer walked away laughing, Marie shrugged her shoulders. "I hope she didn't think I was serious." Marie thought.

Marie continued to walk towards Team Canada's locker room. Brandon came out of the locker room to move around a bit, "Brandon, do you know where Scott is?" Marie asked, as she glanced over at the change room door.

"Ya, he's in the locker room getting ready. You can go into their if you like." Brandon smiled, Marie looked at Brandon with her 'are you serious' face.

"Just kidding."

Marie started to glare at him then her face softened, "Actually, that wouldn't be terrible, having guys my age, without their shirt on, great!" Marie smiling.

Brandon had a disgusted look on her face, "Just kidding," yelled Marie.

"Good." Brandon said as they both laughed, "You know that Scott is angry at you." Brandon pointed out.

"I could have guessed that." Marie nodded.

"What even did happen between you, two?" Brandon asked, at the same moment that Scott walked out of the locker room. Scott stood behind Marie, listening to her side of the story of what happened.

"Well, I was sitting in the living room, on the couch, reading a book, because it was Monday, and I'm just that awesome." Marie said smiling.

"Self-absorbed much." Brandon muttered as he looked around the hallway, Marie hit Brandon on the arm.

"Like you never looked in the mirror in the morning and said, 'I look hot.'" Marie raising an eyebrow.

"True." Brandon agreed, pointing at Marie.

"I was watching the news and Matthew came to the door. He gets angry at me for not telling him about the 'Love Triangle' I hate those two words by the way." Marie said tilting her head.

"Why? It's an emotion and a shape, what's not to love?" Brandon smiled; Marie just looked at him, shaking her head.

Scott mouthed at Brandon, "Why?"

"I didn't close the door the whole way-" Marie told Brandon, Brandon nodded even though he didn't care.

"You know you have to look when you close the door." Brandon said sarcastically.

"No you don't. And if you are going to comment on everything I say I should just stop talking to you." Marie decided.

"I will stop commenting, by the way, that did not count." Brandon concluded.

"Ok so Matthew and I were having our argument. Which I was totally winning! Then he tells me he loves me and kisses me long enough for Scott to see and leave before I could talk to him. So, that's it." Marie finished.

"But, you still like Scott?" Brandon asked to make sure.

"Well, of course, I didn't kiss Matthew, he kissed me," clarified Marie.

"So out of the world, what is Scott to you? A Continent? A Country? Or a Province?" Brandon asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"First of all, you suck at making 'out of things'. Secondly, Scott would be the Milky Way to me." Marie told him.

"You didn't use my answers, you lose, and you didn't follow the rules!" Brandon yelled.

"I make my own rules." Marie sassed.

"Well I better go and sit down, stay rested, bronze medal game coming up." Brandon decided.

"Oh ya, pound it." Brandon and Marie then pounded knuckles

"Do good!" Marie yelled before he walked away.

"By the way, it's well." Brandon informed Marie.

"Stop being so technical!" Marie yelled to him.


Marie got a call from CJ; she looked at it and listened to her ringtone ("All Time Low" by the Wanted) for a bit.

"Yellow." Marie acknowledged.

"Green." CJ replied.

"Blue." Marie replied Scott raised an eyebrow.

"Red." CJ replied.










"Forest Green- CJ what was the point of calling me?" Marie asked.

"I don't know, I'm bored." CJ decided.

"You're, you're just odd." Marie told her.

"Wanna continue our game of colours?" CJ asked.

Marie didn't say anything, "Of course!" Marie yelled. "Going to hunter safety and saying colours the whole way until you said 'whatever one you can think of, just say it' I miss that!" Marie admitted. They both continued to talk.

Someone poked Marie on the shoulder. "Sorry, I gotta go, talk to you in about 2 minutes." Marie told her. She hung up and turned around.

She saw someone's neck she looked up and saw Scott who was smiling down at her. They then looked at each other for a while, Scott smiling and Marie having a straight face. Everyone on Team Canada came out of the change room. Marie and Scott started to kiss each other. Her phone started to ring, and her ringtone came on.

"The Wanted, really?" Devante Smith-Pelly asked.

"They're a good band. And it's way better than Justin Bieber" Marie pointed his finger.

"She has a point." Said Dougie shrugging his shoulders, everyone looked at him.

"Why is it that I say something and everyone looks at me?" Dougie said storming back into the locker room.

Scott felt embarrassed; Marie on the other side did not. Marie looked at Scott's embarrassed face, "You should see you face right now." Marie smiled, Scott looked down at Marie and rolled his eyes.

"This one is funny, she's a keeper." Michaël Bournival smiled while pointing at Marie. Marie looked in his direction and raised an eyebrow.

"He's had very odd, un-funny girlfriends in the past." Jaden Schwartz cut in.

"From what we've heard," stated Brett Connolly.

Marie's phone started to ring, "I guess I should take this," Marie said walking away. "Hi Mom. I'm in Calgary; I'm with my guy friends. No they aren't making me do something I will regret, I promise. The queen? Why would she be in Canada? Mom, are you prank calling me? That's sad - you don't know what a prank call is, yet your still doing it."

"Niall? He's not doing a highland dance! What are you talking about? That's the Irish Niall Horan from One Direction. Mine is the Niall from Regina." Marie told her. "And if anyone were to do a highland dance, it would be me."

Marie looked over her shoulder and saw half of the guys cracking up, "Mom I should go. Mom no! Just no, no, don't even say that, uh, no. I should go, bye." Marie hung up on her.

Marie turned around everyone was laughing their butts off, "It's not nice to ease drop on people," Marie told them.

"What was your mom saying?" Mark Pysyk asked.

"My mom was prank calling me - even though she doesn't know what that is." Marie shrugged her shoulders; Scott couldn't help but laugh.

"Wow, you are a terrible boyfriend." Marie stated.

"That hurts." Scott told her he put his hands over his heart.

"You don't get sarcasm." Marie patted his chest.

A volunteer came up to Marie and handed her a DVD, "What's this?" Marie asked taking the DVD.

"It's the video of your friend on the leg of him." She pointed over at Scott.

"Oh nice! This has to be one of the best days of my life!" Marie yelled and she left.

"Um, no yelling please." The volunteer commanded.

"I'm very sorry." Marie apologized.

"What CJ did was really hilarious!" Brandon laughed. Mark, Brendan, and he were laughing on the floor. Their faces were red and they tried to catch their breath.

"Hey CJ look what I have." Marie told her, holding up the DVD.

"What?" asked CJ, nervously.

"The video of you on the leg of my boyfriend." Marie smiled.

"That was actually really fun. Wait-" CJ stopped talking, everyone was still.

"Your boyfriend? You and Scott are back together?" CJ questioned loudly. Every one of her friends looked at Marie with giant smiles.

"First of all, we were never together. Now we are together," explained Marie.

"Because he asked you out?" Wyatt questioned confidentially.

"Exactly! Yes! See, Wyatt gets it!" Marie said.

Canada won their game against Finland 4-0. Everyone in the stands were ecstatic! Marie, CJ, Félicité, and Tiffany were so happy for their boyfriends. Before 'O Canada' started to play, Scott brought Marie down to the ice. Marie stood next to him while they were singing.

At the end of the anthem, Scott brought his lips to Marie's and they kissed. They whole crowd awed, "Oh look at the cute couple kissing," teased Ryan Murray. Brandon and Dougie skated over to their bench and brought CJ and Tiffany down to kiss them.


After the game, everyone except Brandon and Tiffany celebrated that night. Brandon took Tiffany on a surprise night time walk, she looked amazing in the dress and coat that Brandon picked out for her - he loves shopping and has a good fashion sense, he just won't admit it.

It was a black dress that fitted Tiffany and clung to her hips. The neckline covered her collarbone. The top was bare and simple, the skirt had ruffles. The skirt had embellishments her and there. Around the waist, was a diamond jewel belt.

Her coat was a black Burberry coat. It had a lower neckline than the dress; it had a belt around the waist. After the belt, the rest of the coat flew out, to look like a skirt.

They were on the top of a bridge looking out to the Saddledome, "Tiffany, I shall never forget you." Brandon said.

"I have heard the word shall too many times this week already." Tiffany smiled. "But, I won't forget you either." Tiffany added; they both hugged, Tiffany put her head on his shoulder and looked out to the Saddledome as she smiled.

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