Chapter 10 - Good-Bye!

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It was now January 6, the last time that the new and old friends would be together, "40 minutes until we have to be at the airport." Marie informed everyone.

"We will get there in plenty of time," informed Tiffany.

Marie looked down at her phone again, "Now 39 minutes, chop, chop people. We got to go!" Marie yelled.

Lacey closed her suitcase and zipped it up, "There we are all ready." Lacey told Marie.

"With 38 minutes to spare!" Marie breathed, feeling very relieved.

"Let's go!" CJ led the way to the door.

"Well, we all look great!" Lacey comment and she was right;

Marie wore her long blond hair straight, as well as diamond square drop earrings. She also wore a large black and white coat, (You never know what the weather will be like in Saskatchewan) a zebra printed shirt underneath, black skinny jeans, and black shooties.

Tiffany was being daring and wore just a blue cardigan, a gray ruffled shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, knee length black boots with fur on top of the boots, a black pearl and diamond ring, with a gold necklace.

Lacey wore a pair of black sunglasses, gold and black drop earrings, and a blue sweater over top of a black t-shirt. With, black skinny jeans, a pair of black boots with fur on the top, a watch with blue in the middle and an aqua colour clutch.

Félicité wore a pair of big diamond drop earrings, a red scarf, over top of a beige sweater, a black t-shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, a pair of Nike high tops.

CJ wore a red, white and blue winter coat, a pair of silver drop earrings, a white tank top, a pair of skinny jeans, and glittery silver high tops.

They arrived at the airport; Dougie, Scott, Brandon, Brendan, and Liam were waiting for them. Brandon pulled Tiffany past all the people. He got a few pats on the back for that. Once they got away from the crowd, he started to talk, "Tiffany, since I might never see you again. I want to give you this." said Brandon who gave her a bracelet with a locket on it.

"December 30, the day my life changed." Tiffany read. "It certainly did," smile. Brandon put the bracelet around her wrist and they walked back with their friends together.

Dougie pulled CJ away from the crowd for a bit, "CJ for you, a heart locket necklace." Dougie showed her.

She smiled, "Put it on for me," she told him. She turned around and he clipped it around her neck.

Brendan looked over at CJ and Dougie. He was hurt and disappointed, that CJ and Dougie would do that to him. Brendan walked toward the closet chair and sat down on it.

CJ saw Brendan sitting down; she sneaked away from Dougie and all of her friends. She walked towards Brendan, whose head was facing the ground. CJ walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Brendan took a breath, "I don't want to talk to you," admitted Brendan.

"But you... I'm not going to be smart right here." CJ decided.

An awkward silence fell over both of them, "I like you," confessed Brendan.

"I like you too." CJ agreed.

"Then, why are you with, Dougie?" Brendan questioned.

"I really, truly don't know," she confessed. "I'll admit I like you better than Dougie." CJ told him. They sat there again with a lot more of awkward silence.

Dougie found CJ and made his way over to her, "Hey could I talk to you?" Both CJ and Brendan looked up at him, CJ nodded and got up from the seat she was sitting on.

Dougie took CJ's hand and led her away from Brendan, "I like you, I do. It's just that... There's another girl. I'm sorry, CJ. It's over." Said Dougie.

"After a couple days... This was the shortest relationship I've been in," admitted CJ.

"Same with me."

"No hard feelings?" CJ asked.

"None at all," agreed Dougie.

"So there wasn't really any point in giving me this necklace was there?" CJ asked.

"How about the point is," Dougie paused to find something to say. "How about friendship." Dougie decided.

CJ nodded but didn't say a word, "Why the sudden change of heart?" questioned.

"I saw you with Brendan and he's staring at me right now." Dougie told CJ. CJ turned around and saw him, she started to smile, "Anyways, I noticed how you two just fit together, how you two just complimented each other. That was something we didn't have." Dougie admitted.

CJ smiled, "Still no hard feelings?" CJ asked him.

Dougie smiled and shook his head, "No, not anymore."

"I'll hopefully be seeing you."

"Hopefully," smiled Dougie as he pulled CJ into a hug. After a few tender moments, CJ pulled away. CJ smiled to Dougie for what could be the last time and waved to him before she walked back to Brendan.

CJ took her same seat and sat their silently next to Brendan, "So, what did he say?" Brendan questioned.

"He broke up with me." CJ told him.

Brendan looked up at her, "Oh, are you ok?" He asked with concern in his voice.

CJ nodded, "Ya." CJ told him.

"Then why are you gripping your phone so bad it looks like it'll bend?" Brendan questioned, CJ loosened her grip on her phone.

"Because," started CJ.

"Because why?" Brendan asked.

"He... They... Um... I'm just angry!" CJ yelled. "He doesn't get to dump me, I get to dump him! This isn't how things work!" CJ explained

"Everything happens for a reason." Brendan told her, he placed his arm around her shoulder.

"How would you know?" CJ looked up at him.

"I don't," Brendan took his arm off of CJ. "I've never understood that meaning." Brendan admitted.

"Yes, you do. You know there's a meaning and it's happened to you before." CJ poked at his side.

"If you told you, you wouldn't understand," Brendan told her.

CJ looked at him, more like studied him. Brendan looked down at CJ and started to stare at her. CJ and Brendan both moved closer to each other until their lips touched. The kiss was affectionate, tender, and sweet. They both pulled away, gasping for air, "Where's a room when you need it?" CJ smiled.

Brendan laughed, "I'm just glad that you feel the same way," Brendan told her; his voice was musky and deep.

CJ grabbed onto Brendan's hand, "I've always felt the same way," admitted CJ.

Brendan smiled at the ground, "Here I was going to give this to my parents, but they already have tickets, so I'll give you these." Brendan pulled out a couple of tickets for a whole week to the Memorial Cup later than year in Shawinigan.

"You're not serious are you?" CJ questioned.

"I'm playing in it, my whole family has tickets. So, why waste them?" Brendan explained.

"Well, I guess I should be going. I will see you in Shawinigan." CJ pecked his cheek.

Brendan pulled CJ's face to his and kissed her, "That's a real kiss," smiled Brendan. CJ smiled, "I'll see you later this year." Brendan promised.

"Ok, Tiffany got a bracelet with a locket; CJ got a necklace, tickets to the Memorial Cup and a new boyfriend. And I get what?" Marie anticipated.

"Don't be needy, or grabby." Scott told Marie, he pulled her closer to him. "Well, actually-" Scott looked down at the ground.

"You didn't get me anything? Did you?" Marie asked in disbelief.

"Well, not really." Scott looked up at her.

Marie smiled, "It's ok, getting you was the best gift of all," Marie buried her head into his chest.

"Ya that is a really good gift." Scott cockily said. Marie laughed in Scott's chest.

"I shall go and get a blueberry muffin, cause I am hungry." Félicité announced.

"I shall come with you, I am as well hungry." Marie told Félicité.

"I'll be back," Marie kissed Scott's cheek.

Marie caught up to Félicité, "Just wondering, why am I saying shall?" Félicité asked Marie.

"I don't know, shall just sounds cool." Marie told her.

"On wards!" Marie yelled and a bunch of people in the airport looked at her.

"I'm weird, it's not a crime." Marie told them. "If it is, sue me!" Marie yelled.

Félicité looked over her shoulder and continued looking there for a substantial amount of time until Marie noticed, "What are you doing?" Marie asked.

"Nothing, just thought I saw something, I was wrong." Félicité stated.

Marie raised an eyebrow, "Tell me," demanded Marie.

"Dawson's over there." Félicité pointed over to him.

"I like how I only see him in the airport." Marie laughed.

Félicité and Marie walked back to their friends. They talked more about... Everything. Everything and anything they could think of, "Flight 182 to Regina, Saskatchewan is now boarding."

Everyone got up and the friends either just left. Or, they stopped and hugged each other. Every girl hugged their boyfriends. Scott held Marie in a tight embrace, "I'm going to miss you." Marie whispered, trying to hold back a tear.

"Same, I'll miss you M&M." Scott whispered into Marie's hair before he kissed it.

"Wow, that's odd." Marie mumbled.

"How? Are you creped out by how tremendous my nicknames are for people?" Scott questioned.

"No, it's just that my middle name is Anne get it, M 'Anne' M." Marie explained.

"I am so awesome." Scott smiled.

"Selfish much." Landon coughed as he walked past Scott. Marie smiled while Scott gave him a glare. He didn't notice and continued to walk along.

"I also need to tell you something." Marie told him.

"What is it?" Scott questioned, as he placed his hand into hers and squeezed it.

"When we first met, and I gave you knuckles." Marie started.

"Yes?" asked Scott squeezing Marie's hand even harder.

"First, can you stop squeezing my hand so hard." Marie asked, Scott loosened his hold on her hand. Marie smiled, "When we gave each other knuckles, I felt a spark. And I know you are the one." Marie told him. "I know, I sound like a total girl and I sound stupid. But it really means a lot to me," explained Marie.

"If I ever told the guys that, they would laugh at me." Scott whispered, so no one would hear him. "But, I on the other hand, I am truly sensitive... And shy. I would say that's very sweet." Scott said, drawing Marie closer by the hip, and pressed his lips against hers.

Félicité and Tiffany were "looking" at Marie and Scott, "I am so jealous of Marie, she's pretty, smart, sweet, enjoyable, and has the perfect guy." Félicité stated.

Marie and Scott pulled apart from their kiss and gave a very meaningful hug, "You'll always be my bold Anne." Scott told Marie.

"And you will always be my very handsome Gilbert." Marie replied back to Scott.

"Oh! I get it!" Lacey practically jumped. "They are referring to Anne of Green Gables, their, well Marie's favourite book." Lacey said who joined in on the conversation.

Tiffany furrowed her eyebrows, "How do you know that?" Tiffany questioned.

"I watched the movie. Plus, Marie told me." Lacey smiled.

"I always wanted to see the sequel to the movie." Marie told Lacey as she made her way over to her group of friends.

"Me too, I just could never find it." Lacey said to Marie.

They all decided that they should really go and board the plane, or else... No Regina, "I swear if I am with Dawson, thinks will not be good." Marie told Félicité.

"I would take your seat if you were stuck with him." Tiffany lied.

"Really?" Marie asked with dis-belief.

"No, no we wouldn't, we all dislike Dawson except you." CJ pointed at Marie. Marie luckily wasn't with Dawson; she was with a woman from Montreal. It was quiet despite the fact that Marie knew how to speak French. For everyone else

"Can you believe that Marie and Scott are back together?" Lacey asked Tiffany.

"No, after that I would have never thought that they would even talk to each other." Tiffany told her.

"It's crazy!" Félicité cut into their conversation. "What are we talking about?" Félicité asked.

"You really should be with Dougie." CJ truthfully told her. Félicité wasn't going to tell CJ what was going on with her and Dougie. Félicité didn't talk to CJ for the rest of the plane ride.

The plane landed in Regina at around 9:00 pm, "Do you want something to eat, Félicité?" CJ asked Félicité.

"I'm not dating, Dougie! What?" Félicité exclaimed with a horrid look on her face.

"I didn't say anything about Dougie, minus me saying Dougie just now." CJ lied as they walked to get something to drink from Tim Horton's.

"Oh my goodness, that was too close, I shouldn't say anything about Dougie around CJ She might get angry at me for dating him right after he broke up with her, for me!" Félicité exclaimed to herself in her mind.

Lacey, Tiffany, and Marie stayed back to collected the luggage. "Did you hear about, Félicité and Dougie?" Tiffany asked Marie. "You know since you were a loner in your seat." Tiffany smiled.

Marie gave her a plain look, "I get it. And no I didn't, I was with a French girl on the flight. I'm sure she wouldn't know what happened with Félicité and Dougie. What about them?" Marie asked.

"Well, when CJ and Dougie broke up after 2 days, Dougie went and asked Félicité out, which would have been today." Tiffany explained.

"That explains why Félicité, is acting so weird around CJ." Marie concluded. "Do you think someone should tell her? Maybe myself?" Marie suggested.

"Félicité told me that she isn't going to tell CJ no matter what. Well, not until CJ finds out on her own." Lacey gossiped.

"Oh, so when the relationship goes public, CJ's going to be very mad." Marie said.

"Exactly, if I were Félicité I would just tell CJ." Tiffany admitted.

"Tell me what?" CJ questioned.

"Well, I... he's... we're... I can't say it." Félicité was at a loss of words.

"Do you want me to tell her?" Tiffany asked Félicité.

"You can I don't care, she'll be angry anyways." Félicité told Tiffany.

"Why would I be angry?" CJ asked with worry in her voice.

"Well, you know when you and Dougie broke up right?" Tiffany asked.

"Of course she knows. She was there!" Félicité informed Tiffany.

"Whatever, when you and Dougie broke up today. Dougie went and asked Félicité out, and she said 'yes'." Tiffany told her. Félicité played with her hands and didn't want to look up.

"Ok, I don't mind, if he likes you, he likes you." CJ told her, with a relaxed tone in her voice.

"What? That's all you have to say about Dougie and I?" Félicité asked with disbelief.

"Well, the real story was Dougie liked me, when we met at the hotel lobby and he asked me out. I didn't want him to feel bad, and I didn't want to be responsible for Dougie's bad playing, so I accepted." CJ explained to everyone.

"So, you were lying to Dougie?" Lacey asked.

"Duh, duh, duh, dah!" Marie tried to recreate dramatic music.

CJ looked oddly at Marie, "No, I was sparing his feelings." CJ replied to Lacey.

"By lying to him?" Tiffany folded her arms across her chest.

"Partly. At the time, I did kind of liked Dougie. Then, I realized I like Brendan more than Dougie." CJ explained.

"Very good point, CJ; your thoughts Tiffany?" Marie cut in.

Félicité raise an eyebrow, "So, what? Now you're the judge?" She questioned.

"Well, if I'm not, who will?" Marie asked.

"We don't need a judge; I just said everything you need to know." CJ walked past them with her coffee and out of the airport.

"I think we might have just upset her. No, you guys might have upset her; I was the judge and recreated music. She can't be angry from that." Marie followed CJ out of the airport.

"Marie is right, we did upset her. I think we should apologize." Lacey spoke up.

"Well, you guys do that; I need to fix my make-up." Tiffany took a step towards the bathroom.

"No, we all did this, we all have to apologize." Félicité told Tiffany as she grabbed onto the handle of her suitcase.

The girls grabbed their suitcases went back to Marie's truck and apologized to CJ for their comments, "Sorry girl, I just really wanted to know." Félicité told her. No one else said a word.

"We all apologize for our actions." Marie spoke for everything, while glaring over at Tiffany.

"Ya, we are." Tiffany said not really caring.

"Say it like you mean it, Tiffany." Marie told Tiffany.

"It's fine." CJ stopped Tiffany.

"Hey no problem! You're our friends; we didn't try to hurt you." Tiffany expressed.

"Should we be going?" Félicité questioned.

"Let's go!" CJ yelled.

They took all their luggage, ice-caps, coffees, and memories home, with them. On their world wind vacation.

CJ yawned, "I'm so tired." She sighed.

"That just ruined everything." Marie commented.

The End

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