Old photots

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(Y/n): Look what I found!
Goro: Wot
(y/n): Old photos!
Goro: Neat.
(y/n): Your old photos.
Goro: FU- Okay, hand them over and no one will get hurt.
(y/n): Majiji wtf
Goro: NOW!
(y/n): Okay, okay! (What a wuss!!)
Goro: NANI!?
(y/n): Nothing, my most favourite gangster in the world and universe.

Today was a calm day, me and Majima were relaxing at a park near the construction area, if we can call it a park. There's just a lit barrel from some hobos and some hobos themselves. The gangster was smoking, looking at the sky. I decided to tag along some minutes ago, I saw him here and here I am. You know, just to be with him. He seemed like he had something else to do, but he didn't say anything, he's even wearing some really elegant clothes, maybe he had a meeting today (you know what I'm hinting at). "You're silent today." I called him from the side, I was sitting on the ground. The man shifted his attention to me, smiling. "I'm just thinking..." He answered letting some smoke out of his mouth. "About what?" I asked cautiously, mesmerized by the beauty of the city's lights on him. "Do you think Kiryu-chan would be more surprised if I wear a cabaret-girl's costume or if I'm straight out naked?" I facepalmed loudly, making a bright red mark appear on my forehead moments after. "I thought it was serious!" I exclaimed annoyed. Majima bent a little down and he pat my head giggling. Maybe he whon't tell me what's really going on again... Or he was seriously brainstorming on that. It's not the first time he's so taciturn, but usually he's the one who talks my ears off... "What's that mask anyway?" I asked, pointing at an hannya mask he momentarly tied to his belt. "To scare my enemies!" He exclaimed putting the mask on and trying to creep me out. I giggled at him and I took the mask. He was being idiotic but I knew he could be scary if he wanted and a stupid mask would be nothing compared. I started to play around with the hannya's face, leaving him in his thoughts. He must have a thing for those spirits, after all he has a tattoo of this devil too. Is this a devil? I need to read about japanese mythology more. No wait, it's a spirit. Wtf is this.

I looked back at him again, he already lit his second cigarette. "Majiji, do you have any old photos?" I asked out of nowhere. I really wanted to hear his voice and I said the first random think that popped in mind. "Yeah! I have many!" He exclaimed excited. "Woah really!?" From what I gathered around, he was pretty handsome when he was younger, if I'm not mistaken he worked in a cabaret too? Somethin' like that. "Can I see them??"  I jumped up and I asked him with puppy eyes. "Heh, alright." He smiled at me and after he finished smoking we went back to the tower.  "Lemme see, lemme see, lemme see!" I started to pester him untill he finally found a little stack of photos and he handed them to me, looking at me quizzically. We sat togheter on the sofa, he took a beer with him. Most of the photos were about a young version of him and probably coworkers with showy clothes. I looked at Majima, then at young Majima, then him again. "Oh my God you were so cute!!!" I squeaked loudly. Handsome what? HE WAS THE CUTEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN! HE EVEN HAD LONG HAIR! Goro's eye was wide open, he probably didn't know how to respond. I mean, looking at him now, he's cool, weird and scary, but when he was young...! I WISH I WAS OLDER SO I COULD PROTECT HIM! I mean, look at this puppy!

I was silently fangirling over his photos and he still was shocked by my outburst. "C-cute?" He finally asked after some minutes. "I mean, look at this! Look at this cute little baby!" I exclaimed, showing him a photo where he was smiling sweetely. "You didn't even have the beard!" I commented blushing. He let out an annoyed grunt and he took away the photos. "What? Now you like someone else?" He asked faking his angryness. I probably made him shy and now he's trying to change the situation. "No, no. I still like the same person!" I exclaimed smiling. I wonder if his character was different like his appearence. Either way, he still had one eye when he was younger too. I intently looked at him, asking billion of questions in my head. For a moment his gaze seemed nostalgic and he hugged me, making both of us lie down on the sofa. He hid his face in the crook of my neck and he remained there. "What's wrong?" I asked with a softer tone, caressing his head. "I wonder what would've happened if I met you back then." He answered shifting a little, so he could see my face. "I wonder too." I said curious. Even if he was on top of me, he was somehow managing to not put all his weight on me, even if I think he wouldn't be that heavy. I hugged his shoulders and I nuzzled his hair. "I would probably stare at your long hair every chance I got." I said looking at the ceiling, but he didn't respond. Not that I don't like his hair now, mind you. I took one of the photos that were scattered around and I looked at it fondly. He was always in the center of attention even when he was young, wasn't he? And I always felt myself attracted to those people (at least me 😂 I like flashy ppl). Goro took the photo and he started to look at it too. "What? You prefer him over me?" He asked jokingly. "You talk like young you is another person." I commented poking the tip of his nose. "Doesn't it look like it?" He asked again. "I dunno, I think you are still the same." I answered smiling. He propped himself up on his elbows, surprised. "Where!?" He exclaimed to my face. "Here." I pointed to his chest. He made his 'oh now I feel shy again'-face and he returned back to hugging me.

I just needed some fluff, real people suck. Two stories in one day? Whaaaat? Ikr?

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