Chapter 5

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" Who the hell are you? " The one named Yoongi asked me with a scowl on his face. Him off all people asking me that kind of pissed me off.

" Who the hell am I? Who the hell are you to think that you could take advantage of my brother? " I question them and the fact that seem to know threw them off guard.

" If anything I should make your lives a living hell. I could have the fan base that you all built turn on you as quickly as the snap of my fingers. " That seemed to get them to shut up real quickly. They all looked towards PD Nim with scared expressions on their face.

" PD Nim you haven't told these dimwits who Taehyungs family is have you? " I ask with turning to face him seeing as how I'm still glaring at the boys at me.

" No I haven't sir. " The boys look confused when PD Nim addresses me in such a formal manner.

" Well maybe you should explain to them who we are. It should teach them not to mess with someone when they don't what family they come from. " I state causing even more confusion within their little group.

" Go. I need to talk to my brother. " I turn back towards the hospital bed and sit on the edge of it. I hear the door opening and closing signaling that they left. Now, it's just my parents, Taehyung, and I in the room. I move some of his hair out of his face reveling his forehead.

" Why didn't you contact us for help TaeTae? I would've been there for you. I'm not your older brother for no reason. " I start tearing up but then I hear the heart monitor make faster beeping noises. Hs heart rate is going up. I don't know why but I automatically start shaking Taehyung and telling him to wake up.

" Taehyung! WAKE UP! " That seemed to work because before I know it Taehyungs big, brown eyes are staring back at me.

Tears stream down my face from how happy I am that he is awake now. "TaeTae. " I whisper out.

" BaiBai. " Taehyung cries out. His voice raspy from not being used for a whole week.

" I'm so thirsty. " Taehyung says and I stare at him blankly because that would be the first thing he says.

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