Part 16

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As their footsteps come closer you feel your heart beating faster. Then they both come into sight. Bruce comes in in a turtleneck sweater and you recognize him immedietly. However, you study the other man closer. He has on a light brown trench coat and seems to have on a suit underneath of it. You also happen to see the silhouette of what seems to be a gun through the trench coat, you asume this man is Jim Gordon and decide to play your part.

"Jim Gordon! Bruce Wayne! What brings you two down to this side of town." You say with a smile.

Jim has an expression of annoyance on his face when he looks at you. However, Bruce has one that is more of curiosity. "Havent I seen you before?" He asks.

You turn to him amd press down the feelings of rage and anger and just keep smiling. "Maybe, though I think I would remember meeting you."

Bruce gives a slight grin. "Listen," Gordon cuts in. You look to him amd you heart drops a bit and you feel a pang of fear go to your eyes. Jim Gordon was a very intimidating person and his deep voice didnt help  "I just want to cut to the chase, what do you know about Jeremiah Valeska?"

"I dont know much to be frank." Your demeaner completely changed when you said that and you try your best to go back to the cocky informant that you were meant to be.

Jim gets more annoyed. "I dont believe that." You shrug. "If You dont think we have ways of making you talk, think again."

You bite your bottom lip, not because Jeremiah told you to do it, but because your anxiety just did it automatically. "Are You threatening to hurt me Mr. Gordon?" You say with a nervous laugh.

"No, but we do have some information that I think disproves you not knowing anything about Jeremiah Valeska."

You loosen up. "And what might that information be?" You ask.

"Well," Gordon starts, "Everyone we've been talking to has said Jeremiah has a right hand girl. Someone who he shares evrything with, even his bed."

Your eyes widen. 'That little- he spread the rumor that I slept with him to get the information. That's disgusting.' You think. "I can tell you for a fact that, that information isnt true, I would never sleep with a man like that." You say.

"Now I thought you knew nothing about him?" Jim says.

You realize you trapped yourself in a corner. And You have no way to get out. Especually since You had no information to give. So you decide to put on the performance of your life and hope everything turns out all right.

You stand up from the stool, and look away frpm Gordon and Bruce. You also hug your side's. "I- I dont know anything I swear." You say in the saddest voice you can muster. You also feel your eyes starting to get watery, so you know your performance is getting good.

"I still dont believe that." Jim says.

You take a feel breath and turn around. "I dont know anything about what Jeremiah is planning or anything about him for that matter."

Bruce raises an eyebrow. "Why? I thought you were some hot shot informant that knew everything happening in Gotham."

You sit back down on the stool and rest you head in your hand. "Listen, I may be brilliant in gathering Intel but Jeremiah Valeska is one guy I know not to mess with. I'm smart enough to know that he is smart enough to get me killed before I even batted an eye."

"So you are really trying to make us believe that you dont know anything about Jeremiah?" Bruce asks.

"Thats the plan." You shoot back.

Bruce walks closer to the counter. Just that makes the anger already bubling in your chest grow ten fold. But You hide the rage.

"Look, you seem to be a nice girl-" Bruce starts to say but you cut him off.

"Really? Well that's not what I'm going for." You say. You think you see him smile for a second but then his face turns serious.

"We need to know where and who Jeremiah is planning on bombing. He has been leading us all over Gotham and you are the only person that can actually help us. Please, if not for us then for yourself, do you really want someones life on your conscious?" Bruce monologues.

Something about the hypocracy in his words makes you dislike Bruce even more. For he should be feeling the giult of the the years of your life he took away. But they make you realize something to. Jeremiah has all the steps laid out for you to be the 'victum' in this bombing. And that realization makes a wheezy feeling in your stomach.

You bite your bottom lip and look a Bruce. "I wish I could help you Bruce, and you to Gordon but I can't. I seriously can't."

Jim then cuts in. "You can, your just choosing not to. We are giving you the option to do something good. And your choosing to let someone die for your own gain. Have a happy life Ms. (Y/n)" He leave the building after saying that.

You look back at Bruce who is looking at the doorway.  You arent sure what it is but something in the way he looks, so sad and lonely, but in that one moment you feel sad for him.

"Your that girl I saw infront of that building a week ago arent you." Bruce says without turning around. You dont say anything. "What ever Jeremiah is threatening you with, what ever he has over you, we can protect you from him all you have to do is help us here." He turns around and you see his eyes watering up. "Please, he is going to hurt you no matter what. He has hurt me and I cant let that happen to anyone else. Please, Just help us now."

You feel really tears come to your own eyes and look down to your feet. "I'm so sorry."

Bruce doesnt say anything in response. You just hear his footsteps as he walks out of the building. You see a tear fall from your face to the floor and look at it in confusion. How could you fell bad for the man who kept you in that lab for all those years, how could you feel anything for that monster?

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