Part 36

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The moment you wake up you look to the floor. And sure enough, there laying on the ground is Jonathan. As the memories of last night flow into your mind you give a slight smile. Jonathan was just so... Sweet. No matter how he trys to portray himself infront of anyone else, even you at times, you can see him for what he really is. A really sweet guy.

You find your self just staring at him. You havent really seen his face for too long and you arent sure how long this moment will last so you decided to relish in it. His hair is what stands out most to you. Its so unkept and its just so out of place on him. His seriousness is thrown out the window the second you see it. You laugh at this thought and smile.

"Oh god, I really am falling for him." You sigh. "Well, I guess now ive already fallen."

You sigh one more time and as you breath out you see Jonathan's eyes open and your breath gets caught in your throat. He looks right in your eyes and you feel your cheeks start to burn. A smirk appears on his face. "Good morning to you too." He sits up and stretches his back from sleeping on the floor the entire night. "How did you sleep?"

"Great. Thanks to you." You look at him again and you feel the staring start to make you feel uncomfortable so you look away.

Jonathan continues to look at you and stands up. He walks over to the bed and you move your legs so that he can sit down. "I think we need to talk about us."

"Us?" You ask. He nods. "That might be good."

"(Y/n), " Jonathan starts but he pauses trying to think of what to say. "I really like you. Like REALLY like you. Maybe even lo-" he stops himself before finishing and looks at you. "I dont want us to go back to what it was like before the bomb. Because I really liked what happened after."

You laugh. "You liked the kissing part?" You ask jokingly.

He smiles. "Well, obviously but there is more than just that. You are my best friend (Y/n) and your so... Good. I don't want to go back to not having you like this. I dont want to share you with Jeremiah. I don't want to be worrying about him trying something on you and making you fall for him. I dont want to have a nervous feeling whenever I think about you, I want to feel like I know you care. I want you."

You dont say anything for a moment, processing what Jonathan had said. "I dont want to go back either. Jonathan, I dont think I can go back. I want you too. I dont want Jeremiah and I know for sure that I want you."

Jonathan smiles. "You dont understand how happy that really makes me."

"But, Jonathan, I need something from you if anything can happen between us." You state.

A flash of fear goes through Jonathan's eyes and he raises and eyebrow at you. "What?"

You put your hand on his cheek and give him a stern look. "With just us... You cant have the mask."

He backs his face away from your hand and you lower your arm. "You know that I-" you cut him off.

"Dont tell me you cant do that." You pause, not making eye contact with him. "Jonathan, I love you for everything that you are. With the mask and without but, I just want you without it when its just you and me. Seeing your face again, it makes me happy and I feel like I'm actually back. That I'm not in a lab, that I'm not with my dad, that I'm just with you. And I'm so glad that I am."

"You love me?" Jonathan asks.

Realizing that you had just said that you suddenly jump up from the bed and you feel your face start to flush. You stare at you feet and start to stutter. "I- uh- I do don't I. Well- I mean- I do- you are- love is such as weird word isnt?"

You feel Jonathan grab you by the shoulders and you look up at him. "I love you too." He looks at you for one more moment before saying, "if having the mask off when its just you and me makes this," he gestures between you and him, "a reality then I will agree happily."

You smile at him and he pulls you closer. Your lips hit his. After a couple of seconds of that niceness you pull away and ypur heads rest against each others by the forehead.

"Plus, if I take the mask off that will happen more often so, honestly this deal is working out more for me then you." Jonathan States with a sly smile.

You laugh, "Funny that you think you decide when that happens."

"Oh, I think I have more power then you lead on." You feel your stare at him turn to a slight glare. "All I'm trying to say is now i know that if I just pull you close, I'm irresistable to you." He says defensively.

You lean your lips towards his. "That may be true but you know what?" You stop your head right before your lips touch his. "I'm always going to be the one leaving you wanting more."

And with that you leave the bed room with Jonathan just standing there, speechless.

Hey guys it's me the author of this here story. I'm so sorry that I havent been updating in a long time. Ive had a lot of stuff on my plate recently and its been getting in the way of my updates.

Firstly there's been school, specifically AP Gov, and ive had to Put my homework and studying first.

Then there has also been alot of stuff for my choir that I've been doing, like All State Chorus which I tried out for and got in for my state and festivals for my school choir where I got to sing a solo, then i had all the make up work for that cause i had to miss school so thats been taking up alot of time too.

Then all this has been giving me lots of writer's block and I didnt think it was fair to just throw out a bad part because I needed to put out an update so I'm really sorry and I'll try to get back and update semi frequently but i cant promise anything (especially since alot more work for school is coming my way).

I really appreciate all the reads and likes I get on these stories and I never thought it would get popular like it has and I'm so grateful. So I'm very sorry that I havent been updating and I will try to be better at that so please go easy on me.

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