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I woke up, and checked the clock. It was 3:22 a.m. The first thing I did was check my phone for any missed called. I had a missed call. I was hoping that it was from my mom, but it was from some unknown number. I've always had a creepy feeling about unknown numbers, and they kind of have always freaked me out so I just ignored it. Then I got up to see if my mom ever came home. I walked down the hall into her room, and she wasn't there. She is always home before 2:00am and I was starting to get a bit worried. I headed back to bed, but then I remembered the news. The reporter said it was an en... then it cut off. So I decided to check the website to see if it would acually work this time.

"Really it's still not working, oh my god!" I said very frustrated.

"How is this still not working?"

I just decided to go to sleep so I could try to get some answers in the morning. Falling asleep was so hard, I had so much on my mind. Where was my mom? Is she okay? What killed that man? Is there a muderer on the loose? I has so many questions and no answers. Finally I fell asleep.

I woke up at 9:00am. I've always woken up early in the Summer. Then I ran into my moms room to see if she was there, and she still wasn't there. Where could she possibly be? I decided to call her again. No answer. I was very worried and confused on what possibly happened. Then I remembered I had her works business card on my refrigerator. The number was 837-1112 and I called it.

"Hello thank you for calling Skytower Buisnesses how may I help you?"

"Uhhh is Elenor Glenne there?"

"Ummm there's no Elenor Glenne that works here?"

When she said that my heart sunk. My mom had been working there for 4 years. What do they mean she didn't work there. She had to work there, or she just was really good a lying.

"She has to, can you double check your files or something?"

"There was an Elenor Glenne working here a little over 10 years ago, nut other than that there's not Elenor Glenne, sorry."

"Oh okay..... thanks... I guess."

"Bye honey."


I started to panic. Then I started to cry. Is my mom crazy? Where is my mom? I had so many questions, but no answers. Then there was a knock on my door.

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