Chapter 28

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On time, early even. Why? Because a story I wrote somehow miraculously hit high on a few hot lists and people are reading it and voting on it right now so I got stupidly, ridiculously excited and decided to write this Happy Thanksgiving for all my American readers, happy Thursday to the rest of you.

This is an overdose of sweet and silly, but I couldn't do a serious chapter...Happy Reading!


And I was so certain that I wasn't dreaming, I think to myself miserably, wondering when I'll have to wake up from the most wonderful dream I've ever had.

A warm hand brushes my cheek, and I hate that it feels so real. "Hey, hey, hey. Trouble, what did I say? Why are you crying? Fuck, I'm such a fucking moron, I didn't mean to just blurt it out like that. I, we, meant to talk to you about this later when you were healed and shit and motherfucker I ruined the whole thing, I bet Kota had a whole spiel worked out and everything."

I allow myself to get lost in his eyes for a moment, knowing that if this is a dream that means I don't have to be shy about staring, and lean my face into his hand. He looks so sincere, and I congratulate my mind for being able to conjure up his image so perfectly, right down to the sailor-like vocabulary. Maybe if I stare long enough, I'll take this image with me when I wake up, in pain and still at home under my stepmother's thumb and heavy hand.

"Sang, what did I say? How can I take away that sadness in those beautiful eyes?" He whispers his words so gently and they fill my heart, the way I always feel when he's near, when any of them are. They make me feel safe, and cared for, like I'm really a part of this big crazy family they've created.

Another tear escapes, and I wonder if I've ever cried before in a dream, although I don't remember the last time I had a dream instead of a nightmare so I can't be too sure.

"This is a dream," I tell him quietly, closing my eyes before they fly back open, not wanting to miss a single moment of this. I open them just in time to see a wide grin grow on his face before he chuckles.

"Trouble, you're not dreaming. Why would you think that?"

I shake my head, of course he thinks that. "Yes it is, it has to be. I'm not in pain, nobody is yelling at me, well North did, but that's his way of showing he cares and I think I really scared him. Dr. Roberts is here and he wants to adopt me, Owen told me he stole my homework and then he held my hand and Nathan was really embarrassed about me having girl parts. And then, you come in here, and you hug me and make me feel loved like I never have been before. I love you so much that it feels like my heart might explode and it hurt so badly when I sent you away the other night," I pause to take a breath, but it sounds like more of a hiccup.

"Then I tell you I love all of your brothers the same way, 9 different people, and you say why not? Nobody says things like that, not in real life, and certainly not in my life."

I have to look down at the small space on the hospital bed between us, because even though this is a dream, I've never been that honest with anyone...well, ever.

"You love me?"

He sounds so hopeful, and so freaking happy that I can't help but look up at him to see what his face looks like, and I'm not disappointed. I hadn't realized before, but when the light hits him just right, and he's happy from his toes to the blonde streaks in his hair, those electric blue eyes practically glitter.

"Of course I do, Gabriel," I breath, and the air whooshes out of me when he hugs me closer, burying his face in my neck until I can't move, not that I'd want to.

It's only when I feel wetness touch my neck that I worry. "Gabriel, are you crying?"

He sniffs, and slowly lifts a hand to wipe at his face. "Shhh, Trouble."

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