Celebration (chapter 22)

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Jack's POV~

I giggle as Mark orders us two bottles of wine.
One alcoholic for me, the other, non-alcoholic for him.
My bottle is empty before he even finishes his second glass.
He chuckles and pulls me to him on the bed.
I drunkenly smile up at him and he kisses me, making me start to want him even more as I start to sober up a little.

"I say we have a little fun. What about you Clover?" Mark smirks a little.

I immediately sober up fully but smile at him anyway.

"I think it's time Marshal got a sibling of two. What about you?" I say

His smirk melts into a smile as he pulls me closer.

"I agree, Clover. But we have to be careful, multiples run in both our families."
"Whatever happens, happens. I'll be happy nonetheless." I say before kissing him deeply.

*Smut starts here. I'll notify when it stops.*

He starts to unbutton my vest and tosses it to the side carelessly before undoing my jeans and pulling them and my boxers down. He tosses those as well before undoing his pants and pushing them down just enough so he can slam me. He's huge.
He gets on top of me and smirks.

"I'll make you mine." He whispers before I fell his tip at my entrance.
"Do it~" I moan out as he starts to kiss my neck.

He starts to push in slowly and can feel my heat forcing to start.

"Are you okay for me to continue?" He asks after pushing in all the way.

I get a little scared but don't want to stop.

"S-Slowly." I pant as I can almost feel my body ovulate.

He pulls out a little and pushes back in a little faster than the first time but stays at that speed as he thrusts.
He starts to attack my neck and leave love bites and kisses.
I feel like I'm going crazy as he teases my neck.
But when he bites down and sends his poison into me, marking me as his, my heat speeds up, needing him to go harder and faster.

Mark's POV~

As soon as I bite down he seems to go crazy in lust.
When I taste his blood it sends me into my rut, making my go crazy.
I almost can't pace myself so I don't hurt him.
He moans out uncomprehendable sounds as I mark him as my own.

"As hard and fast as you can. Now~" He moans out, sending me into a frenzy as I slam into him as fast and hard as my swollen dick will let me.

I release his neck and pound him harder and harder as he becomes a moaning mess.

"Mark!" He screams as I release my huge load into him.

He starts to pant as I stay in him and wait for my load to completely empty into him and the blood leave my rut.
Once it calms down and I'm done, I pull out and lay next to him.

*Okay, it's over. For those who skipped it is now Mark's point of view.*

Jack starts to laugh as we lay there, panting.

"What?" I ask, confused on what's so funny.
"I can't believe it." He laughs.
"What?" I ask, sitting up and fixing my boxers.
"I never thought I'd make it here. Married to the man I love, willing and ready to have more children with him, and marked as his, forever." He smiles at me and I smile back.

I pick up his boxers and help him put them on before we curl up together and take a long deserved rest.
My back pain finally gone.

*I'm slightly proud of myself. Yay me I guess. Welp, imma head to sleep. It's been a long day. Probably going to watch YouTube till I pass out again. Who knows. I'm just hella tired. See all you lovely masturbation nekos in the next chapter.*

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