The press (chapter 28)

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Jack's POV~

I yawn as Mark helps me into the car.
I'm so tired.
But he promised lots of chocolate pudding, pickles, potatoe chisps, and cuddles after the ultrasound.
I yawn again as he gets in and starts to drive to the doctors.
I whine and he holds my paw.

"What is it Clover?" He asks gently.
"I'm tired." I whine and he chuckles.
"I know love. But, we get to see our pups today. Isn't that exciting?" He asks.

I smile and rub my stomach.

"Yeah. It is." I giggle, a bit more awake.

He kisses my cheek quickly and turns the corner.
I can't wait.


I gulp, really scared as we wait for the doctor in the examination room.
Mark is holding my paw and rubbing circles into it to help calm me.

"Clover, take a deep breath. Everything will be fine." His voice, silky and rich as it calms me.

I take a breath and the doctor comes back in.
I get laid back and the cold ass gel is put on my stomach.
It takes a couple minutes before we see 3 bubbles.
I start to tear up and Mark is trying to contain his cheering.
We get a few pictures printed and the doctor seems to be honored.

"Would you like to know the orientation or gender today?" He asks and I look at Mark.

He knows exactly what I want.

"Orientation. We want the gender to be a surprise." He says and the doctor nods.
"Well, they're all the same. Alpha." He says after examining the image.

I cover my mouth and start to cry happily.
Mark looks shocked.

"Three more Alphas?" He asks, tearing up.
"Yeah. We have three more." I cry.

The doctor leaves us for a moment and Mark hugs me.

"This is amazing Clover. Absolutely amazing." He cries.

I kiss him and lock fingers over my stomach.


I'm looking at cribs while Mark is doing something.
I find a really cute one and rub my stomach, smiling.
It's designed for six Omega pups so it should be fine.

"Excuse me, Mr. Fischbach?" A teenage guy comes up to me.

I gulp, not knowing what to do.

"Uh, yes?" I ask, trying not to be rude.
"Can I ask you a few questions?" He asks, taking out a notepad.
"Can I ask why?" I ask, getting mad that the reporters are sending teenagers to invade on our life.
"I was sent by the Washington post to get some information on your pups." He says honestly, poking my stomach with his pen.

That pisses me off.
I scowl down at the kid.

"Listen kid, I may be the husband and mate of the famous Mark Fischbach, but that doesn't give you, or the Washington post permission to intrude on our lives. We have just as much right to privacy as you do. If you were in my shoes, with my mindset, would you want some teenager walking up to while shopping to ask you questions?"
"N-No." He says, looking down ashamed.
"Then go take that recording and give it to your bosses. I don't give a damn if you get fired. I have the right to have a private life. Got it?"
"Y-Yes sir." He gulps.

Mark then wraps his arm around my shoulders and kisses my temple.

"This kid bothering you Clover?" He asks, his tone deep and menacing.
"No no! I was just leaving!" The teenager says and scurries away as fast as he can.
"You handled that well." Mark chuckles.
"Thank you." I say smugly.

He laughs and kisses me before we look at the crib.

"This one?" He asks and I nod. "Expensive." He clicks his tongue.
"What's wrong Mr. Trillionaire? Finally run out of money?" I tease and he rolls his eyes.
"No. I'm just thinking of how the world will react to the fact that my brother is stepping down and is shoving me from an already big spotlight to an even bigger one."
"So you're also Mr. World leader too huh?" I smirk, a whole new playing field of teasing open to me.
"So are you." He smirks back and my stomach drops.
"Oh shit, I am." I say, the realization hitting hard.

He laughs and kisses my head.

"Don't worry about a thing dear. I have the press under control. And from what I saw, if anyone tries press shit with you you'll put them in their place." He chuckles.

I sigh and lean on him, tired from the long day.
We buy the crib and I take a nap with Marshal as Mark builds it.
Everything is falling into place.

*Okay, I have to stop now before it gets too long. See all you lovely masturbation nekos in the next chapter!!*

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