Bad mornings (chapter 24)

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Jack's POV~

Ever since Marshal got back I haven't been eating. And whenever I do, I force myself to throw it up.
I feel like I'm always eating too much.
But forcing myself to puke doesn't make mornings any better.
And I know why. Mark does too. He just hasn't pieced it all together yet.
I'm scared to help him along though.
Should I?
What would he think if just, one day, I came up to him and gave him an ultrasound picture?
What would he do?
Thankfully, Mark is making me stay home from work today.
I gulp as Marshal is playing on his gameboy, blocking the front door.

"Marshal, sweetie, why don't you go do that in the living room?" I ask, trying not to be suspicious.
"Nope. Pa said to make sure you stay home." He says.

He hit puberty as soon as he got back and now he's been doing everything to protect me. Which boils down to him acting exactly like Mark.

"What? Why would he ask you to do that?" I ask, confused.
"Pa said, and I quote, "Don't let Dad go anywhere. He needs to rest.". Besides, you haven't been eating lately and you're always tired. So either eat or sleep. Those are you're options." He says.

I pout.

"You're too much like your father." I whine and he looks at me like he wasn't expecting that.
"Dad, are you feeling okay?"
"I'm fine!" I yell, furious.

He jumps a little and looks really confused.
He gets up and sets his gameboy on the side table.

"I gotta go make a call. Just stay here." He says before running to the kitchen.

I scoff and grab my coat. I storm out and slam the door.
I get into my car and speed off.
By the time I get to the convenience store I'm sobbing.
I sit there for a minute before going in.
I grab a few different pregnancy tests and check out.
The 16 year old at the check out looks at me like I'm weird until they see my wedding ring.
They nod to themselves and don't say a word.
When I pull up to the house, Mark's car is there.
I grit my teeth and head to a hotel.
Why can't they just leave me alone?
I shove the tests into my emergency over night bag and get a room.
I just want to be left alone.
I leave my wallet in my car and go to my room.
I put the do not disturb sign up and head straight for the bathroom.
After peeing on all the sticks I sit on the bathroom floor,waiting.
I'm so tired.
I yawn and my eyelids become heavy.
I curl up, trying to stay warm as I doze off.


I wake up, feeling sick and I lung for the toilet. I puke up stomach acid and feel my mouth and throat burn.
It feels neverending.
But, when it does end a new dread fills me.
I start to cry as I force myself up and look at the tests.
All have the same answer. Positive.
I throw them all away and go to the balcony.
I'm only on the third floor but it's still a but too high for me.
But, at this point, I couldn't care less.
I sit on the railing and watch the passing cars below.
I sniff and start to cry again.
A door suddenly slams shut nearby, making me jump.
I slip and fall.

Mark's POV~

I'm listening to the news drone on, waiting with Marshal for something to happen.
Jack hasn't come home yet and I refuse to sleep until he does.
Marshal is pacing, his glowing heart dimmed.

"Okay, that's go over it again. He came up to you, told you to go play in the living room, then what?" I ask, trying to understand.
"He, got really upset and whined at me. Then when I asked if he was okay, he blew up at me. I went to call you for advise and he stormed out." Marshal says, upset.

I nod, trying to piece it together.

"Breaking news, pregnant Omega attempts suicide by jumping from third floor hotel balcony." The news says and we both look up. "No ID or wallet was found. If anyone knows this Omega, they are headed to Cincinnati metrohealth general hospital."

It shows Jack's unconscious face in the ambulance and my eyes widen.

"Get in the car." I say and Marshal nods, running to the front door.

This is the worst morning ever.

*Bleh. I hate being sick. I feel so gross. See all you lovely masturbation nekos in the next chapter.*

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