Missing (chapter 20)

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Mark's POV~

He's silent. He hasn't said anything for the past ten minutes.
Oh God, this was a mistake.
My heart stops as I close the box and feel it start to break.

"Mark I-... this is so sudden I-..." Jack starts but I get up.
"It was stupid to ask. I should've waited longer." I say, monotone, staring at the ground.
"Mark, just give me time to think about this." He says but I already know what his final answer will be.

I sigh heavily and just set the box on the nightstand, my body moving on its own.

"I'm such a fool." I say, leaving.

Jack's POV~

I cover my mouth and slide to the ground as the door closes behind him.
He wants to marry me.
Why wouldn't my mouth say what I wanted? Why wouldn't it say yes?
Tears start to fall and soon, I'm sobbing for Mark.
Crying for him to come back.
He left his coat here. Its cold out today.
I force myself up and grab his coat, taking in his scent before going to the box on the nightstand. I open it and cry a little, imagining if Mark put it on me.
I smile a little before remembering he's not here.
I put it on and throw my coat on before running out, trying to find him.
I search everywhere I can think to look.
The office, the park, the pub, the house.
He's nowhere and he's not picking up his phone.
Where could he be?!

Mark's POV~

I spent a total of ten minutes just sitting in an alley, smoking, before I realized I'm freezing and I need to let him explain.
I go back to the room but he's not there.
Time seems to halt.
I start to cry and just sit on the bed, pulling out a fresh cigarette and lighting it.
I ignore the no smoking sign and just sit there, trying to understand why.

Jack's POV~

I'm crying as I sit on a park bench.
Why didn't I say yes?!
Now, thanks to my idiocity, I just lost the one person who's ever loved me! Again!
How am I so stupid?

"Sean? Why are you crying on a bench?" I hear Karen's voice.

I look up and see the kind old lady that helped raise Mark.

"Karen?" I sniff.
"Yeah. What's wrong dear?" She asks, sitting next to me.
"I just did something really stupid." I say, trying not to burst into tears again.
"What? What did you do?"
"Mark asked-"
"What did he do?"
"No! It's not his fault! Its mine."
"Okay. What happened?"
"He asked me to marry him and-"
"He did what?!"
"We've been dating for over a year Karen. It started before you even retired."

Her jaw drops.

"That and Marshal is our son."
"Well I already knew that. He had the same marking as Mark."
"But, we bought a house together and we just finished repainting it. We were going to spend a few days in a hotel to relax but as soon as we got there he got down on one knee and proposed."
"Okay, by the looks of it you said yes. I mean, you're wearing the ring."
"But I didn't. I couldn't say anything except "give me time to think" and "this is so sudden"."
"Ooooh. That's what happened. But, why are you on a park bench crying about this?"
"Because Mark left without his coat and I can't find him. I want and need to fix this."
"Well, Mark has never really been that original so my bets are on he smoked for a good ten minutes before going back to the hotel." She says confidently.
"You think so?"
"I know so. It's exactly what he did when he was younger. He would storm off, disappear for ten minutes to smoke or debate killing himself with alcohol then come back, ready to hear someone out or to apologize." She smiles. "So you better head back before he tries to order some type of alcoholic drink that can kill him."

I nod and stand up abruptly.

"Thanks Karen." I smile a little.
"Call me Zelda." She smiles back before I run back to the hotel.

*Meep. Welp. Marriage and sex is most likely next. See all you lovely masturbation nekos in the next chapter!*

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