Chapter 2.

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It came as a total surprise to most of the students, when suddenly there were two unusual things on the grounds of Hogwarts. Of course most of us realized immediately what they were about and who arrived with the two unusual things, but some had no clue about it.

"So it's true then, the Triwizard tournament will be here, in Hogwarts", Alice said, still a bit surprised after seeing the carriage of the Beauxbaton's academy.

I nodded my head. "It seems so, but I'm more excited to meet other students from different schools than about the tournament", I revealed and both Alice and Laurie looked at me.

"I didn't see you in the room when I woke up, where you painting again?" she asked suddenly, studying my eyes.

I smiled and nodded my head. "There was something I needed to finish", I explained.

"Does that something have to do with Cedric?" Laurie teased. I hit his hand, more than playfully and he whined because of it. "Just because you are my best friends, doesn't meant that I can't hurt you", I giggled.

"But does that mean that there is something you don't want us to know about Cedric?" Alice asked in a teasing way as well.

I shook my head and sighed in a complaining way. "Can we just talk about something else? Besides I think the welcoming feast is going to start", I mumbled and pointed at the teacher's table, where Dumbledore was standing with some other people, that were probably the judges of the tournament.

Just then I saw something in the corner of my eyes, and turned to look at the entrance of the Great Hall where bunch of Hufflepuff students walked in late. Cedric was in the middle of them all, as usual, having his winning smile on his face. And when I realized that there was empty space right next to me, I started to panic.

"Hey Laurie can you move here?" I asked quickly and pointed at the seat next to me.

"No way, I'm staying here with my girlfriend", he smirked.

I shook my head and started to play nervously with the sleeve of my robes. I swear, if he's going to sit next to me, I'm going to-!

"Good morning Ariana", Cedric's voice echoed inside my mind as he sat down right next to me. I turned to look into his direction and I was almost blinded. Come one Merlin! Give me a break!

"Morning", I answered quietly.

"So is it really true, the tournament?" Dylan, Cedric's best friend asked and looked at me.

"You should listen to Dumbledore, he's explaining the rules and all", I muttered and turned awkwardly to look at Dumbledore again. He was just explaining that no student under 17 could participate in the tournament, which became subject of everyone's chat immediately, and to be honest it wasn't very positive.

"I just think that's good, it's a dangerous tournament", I heard Cedric saying to his friends. I felt his arm touch mine and just that made my heart beat like there was no tomorrow.

"Are you going to take part in it then?" I heard Laurie asking and immediately my head turned to Cedric again. He noticed that and looked at me.

"Well I'm going to put my name in the Goblet of Fire for sure, but I don't know if I'm ever going to be picked", he explained, thinking about it. Sure all the glory was amazing and if you would be so lucky and win the game, there would be an amazing winning price, which was money.

Talking about the money. What could a student like us do with all that money? I mean, a student like Cedric would graduate after this year, so he would have a great opportunity to make a career with the money. He could start studying whatever he wants or become whatever he wants. It's funny to think what I would do with all the money. Probably buy new painting equipment and start my own shop...but that's a great idea.

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