Merry Crisis Y'all

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Hello there strangers!
It's your author E here , sending you all loads of love and wishing you the merriest Christmas or whatever you are celebrating right now.

I just wanted to thank you all for the immense support throughout this years. Just thinking about all the things that have happened during this year, makes me question so many things. We have gone through so much globally and this whole year has effected eveyone in one way or another. I have been rather lucky, being able to go to work almost every day and being able to enjoy my everyday life almost completely normally. But truth to be told, I have been very ill and sick lately. It's not corona, so no need to worry about that, but the scariest part is that I don't truly know what's wrong with me. These past couple of months have been very hard on me and being so sick, my mental health has suffered quite a bit.

So because of that, I'm so incredibly thankful for your support and love towards this book. It means the world to me to read your lovely comments and see how you have continued to vote this book. I'm one lucky author, and with your help and support I'm able to become better and better every day. Just please be patient with me as I continue to get my health into a better direction and maybe in the future I'll be able to give you even better stories.
(I have also been working on my original story, but let's see what happens with that)

I love you all, and truly hope that you all will stay healthy and happy and that all of your wishes come true druing the year 2021. Let's continue fighting for what's right and remember to never stop dreaming about better things. I'm so happy I have been able to give you even a bit of magic during this year.

Once again
Thank you for reading and
I love you
-E <3

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