Chapter 14.

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*Cedric's POV.

I was so confused when I had finally woken up, expecting Ariana be right next to me, but she was gone. I was worried that something had happened to her, like she had had another panic attack, so I went to look our for her.

But instead of actually finding her, everybody actually found me. Last night had been something so amazing and wonderful that it had actually made me forget what was waiting for me today, today was the day I was going to win and bring everlasting fame to Hufflepuff house and to Hogwarts in general. I was sure of my winning and even the thought of Harry Potter, didn't make me think otherwise.

"Cedric have you seen Ariana?" Laurie asked as he and Alice finally found me. People were all asking how I was doing and how I was getting ready for the upcoming task.

"I was going to ask the same thing form you...when I woke up, she wasn't with me", I explained. I noticed Alice studying me very closely, suddenly her eyes widened and she gasped a little, putting her hand over her mouth.

"Did you ask her to marry you?!" she whisper shouted, making Laurie's eyes wide as well. The two of them looked at me, waiting for me to answer, and they let out a relaxed breath when I started to smile and nod my head.

"Yesterday was the perfect was a promise we made...and that's why I was so confused to found out that she had left without me", I muttered, still looking around myself, trying to see her somewhere.

"Don't worry Cedric, I'm sure she just wanted to give you a little space since this is your big day, she will be there for you", Alice assured, making me relax a little bit, since I knew that she was probably right.

"By the way, have you seen my parents anywhere?" I continued.

"I think I saw your parents at the library", Laurie explained.

"Yeah, they're there!" Dylan said too, as he arrived to the scene as well, giving me a bear hug. "Make us proud today Cedric!!" he cheered, making me laugh.

"I will, but I have something to take care of before we move to the Quidditch pitch, see you there!" I smiled and left all my friends to wonder off to the library.

What confused me even more, was to find Theo standing on the entrance of the library, peeking inside it, as if he was scared to go inside, but wanted to hear what was happening.

"And who are you stalking this time?" I asked, partly joking. He jumped a little and then looked at me.

"Ah, Cedric how are you?" He asked, partly joking as well.

I sneered and walked next to him, looking inside the library as well. I was a bit surprised to see my parents with Ariana's parents. They were talking about something serious, since my father looked so passionate about what he was talking about.

"Where's your girl?" Theo asked again.

I looked at him. "That's not your business, but since I don't know either, I'm asking you if you have seen her?"

He shook his head. "Lost her already?" He said in a teasing way. I just chuckled a little and then turned to face him. He looked daringly into my eyes, really thinking that he had a change against me.

"Before you say anything that might make me want to punch you, I'm just telling you that it's all over for you", I said quickly. He furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

I grinned. "She's mine now...forever...we are engaged", I announced.

It took a while for the announcement to register into his mind, and when it did...he actually looked pretty sad, which made me feel a bit bad, since I hadn't really realized how much he actually cared for her. But still, I needed to make sure that he didn't think he had a change with her, now or ever. And slowly, yet steadily, he met my eyes again and then offered his hand toward me.

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