Chapter 17.

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I looked at my parents, who were silently looking at me and sometimes each other. They didn't know how they should start talking about our relationship, and they themselves made the situation more and more awkward.

But I didn't really mind about our fight that much anymore. Before all this, I was sad that they didn't understand my dream, but now...when I heard everything that they told me when I wasn't conscious...I know that I matter more to them that my future. So I felt like I was the one to start this whole conversation.

"I heard...everything", I muttered.

Both of them turned their heads towards me and me my eyes. They were a bit surprised to see that I was smiling slightly at them. " We will do anything, absolutely anything if you just open your beautiful eyes and make sure that you are alright", I quoted my father. I studied their eyes and then chuckled gently.

"I know that now that I'm awake and well, you probably aren't going to do that, and I just want to tell you's fine."

My parents furrowed their eyebrows and then my mother opened her mouth to speak. "But Ariana-."

"It's fine mom...I know that you only care for me and want the best for me. And I am taking a huge risk by doing what I have planned on doing...but I am not stupid mom. I do well at school, I have always done. I did go through the N.E.W.T.'s and I have something to back this dream up. If it doesn't go as I planned, then I can always start a new job. There are millions of options out there, but this is just something I want to do right now. This is my dream...this is me", I said, fully confident.

And it surprised me to see that my mother started to cry and even my father was somewhat tearing up. "Oh Ariana", My dad breathed out, sounding a little like he was...proud?

"We are so proud of you, and you don't even know that. We are the ones who should apologize to you. You were right by saying that we have only said everything because we want the best for you Ariana. You are our daughter, our only daughter and you matter the most to us. Before the task, Cedric came to talk to us, and he made us realize how utterly amazing you are in what you do. We sat the paintings in the library that were yours...we never knew you were actually talented. And now that we know how talented you are...we are not suspicious anymore. We want you to follow your dream Ariana", My mother said, taking my hand.

My jaw had dropped and my mind was running around in circles. Were they okay? Am I really hearing right?

"Y-you r-really m-m-mean that?" I stuttered and they automatically nodded their heads.

"You have our blessing."



I put the last box on top of the pile of other boxes. I huffed and put my hands on my hips. Moving around, I looked proudly at the place that I could now call my own, well our own.

Cedric walked up the stairs and when he saw me he smiled. "Was that the last one?" he asked.

I nodded my head. "Yeah...can you believe it...this is it", I said happily.

Cedric and I had moved together straight after we graduated, but we had to live in a tiny flat that didn't really have room for anything else except for a fridge, a bed and a tiny table. But then again, Cedric was gone most of the time. He had started his studies almost instantly after graduating and he's now one of the youngest workers at the Ministry of Magic. He works a lot with his parents and he does good things. He has also started his own project already. After everything we did at the second wizarding war, Cedric and I were appreciated much more. His project collects money and food for the poor and help the children who became orphan during the dark times. But if you think about it, that's just something that only Cedric would have done.

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