Chapter 3.

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While almost everyone were still sleeping I sneaked into the library. It was the best place to get inspiration when there was no one there and it wad fully silent and just utterly beautiful. I also have some great memories that include the library, and one of them is the memory about how Laurie and I met each other. I had been stuck with Alice the moment she met me at the platform 9 ¾ and when we were sorted into Hufflepuff we knew we were going to be friends for life. The next day we got lost trying to find the transfiguration class and ended up in the library. We tried to find another student there, to help us find the right class, but only ended up meeting Laurie who was hiding under one of the tables, really homesick. And when we finally got him to talk we promised to him that we would never leave him alone. And since then, we have been a trio, they are just engaged now, but does that even change anything? I knew they would fall in love when they got older and that's exactly what happened.

I looked at the slowly rising sun and I tried to sketch it as quickly as possible, before it got too high. The forest surrounding Hogwarts became beautiful when the light hit it and the Black Lake shimmered adorably, looking like there were millions of diamond on the surface. This place really has become like a home to me, and I will forever miss this. It's the place where I grew up, met my best friends, my first crush and learned so much.

"Excuse me, is this yours?" a low and quiet voice asked from my right side. I was sitting on the window ledge that was just wide enough for me to be able to sit on it and admire the view.

A boy, around my age, was standing there. In his hand there was one of my drawings and he was looking into my eyes. He was clearly one of the Durmstrang students, but he looked more kind than the other boys from there. He was even smiling slightly. "Oh, I didn't even notice dropping it", I said smiling at him. "Thank you", I said when he handed it to me.

The drawing was one of the millions that I had done of the castle. "No problem, you are really talented", he continued. I looked at him again.

"Thank you...what is your name?" I decided to ask.

He looked around us and then found a chair with his eyes and dragged it right in front of me and sat down on it. "Don't mind if I join you?" he asked.

I shook my head. "Library is for everyone, even for students that aren't from Hogwarts", I grinned.

He grinned as well. "I'm Theo Leafell", he introduced himself and offered me his hand, which I took gladly.

"Leafell? So you are from-?"

"From England? Yes, I just study at Durmstrang", he explained. I let out an oh-sound and it made him grin even more. "And what's your name?"

"Oh right, I'm Ariana, Ariana Bloom", I introduced myself.

His eyes widened a bit. "No way, are you perhaps the granddaughter of William Bloom?" he asked, making me totally confused.

"You know my granddad?"

He nodded his head. "Your grandfather used to be business partners with my granddad Johan Leafell", he explained.

"I have heard of that name before, wow...the world is small", I laughed lightly.

He just smiled and then looked at the sketch I was just now doing. "I didn't know there was such an talented student at Hogwarts. Shouldn't you be studying somewhere like at Beauxbaton's or at Ilvermony?" he asked.

I gave him my drawing book so he could have a closer look. I smiled and shook my head at the same time. "I have a bit tricky situation at parents don't really approve me drawing", I explained quietly.

An artist for him (Cedric Diggory fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now