Chapter 21. The Battle of Hogwarts

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Neither one of us had been able to fall asleep. We had been talking to each other, to calm ourselves down. Because we both knew what was happening and we both knew that any moment now, Laurie or Alice, would appear to our apartment and inform if everything was as it was rumored to be.

And I was scared, but so was Cedric. He hadn't taken his eyes off of me for one second during the agonizingly long night. And I knew that if the battle of Hogwarts would really begin tomorrow morning...he wouldn't leave me alone for a second.

"Do you think Harry is going to be able stop him?" I asked quietly, almost whispering. Cedric's eyes studied mine for a good while in the darkness before he opened his mouth to talk.

"Yes, if there's anyone out there who can do it...then it's him," he muttered back, making me let out a deep breath.

"It's weird to even think that they would attack Hogwarts of all places...they are just children."

"I know...I don't like it either. And that's why we are going there to help...we at least know something about real magic and how to use it," he said as calmly as possible and suddenly took my cold hand into his. I looked at them and smiled tiredly. "You know," he started and begin to caress my hand with his thumb. "Even though the day of the third task wasn't a pleasant experience at all," he continued, glaring at me a little, which made me grin slightly. "I was quite impressed by you Ariana," he finished up.

I furrowed my eyebrows and held his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"Well you took my place in the third task and you were the second winner. You used all the knowledge you had received while studying in Hogwarts and it paid off didn't it?"

I started to think about it. And he was right. I never really thought about it like that. And just when I had talked about how the students at Hogwarts right now, were children...I was a child back then as well. Everything I ever learned helped me get through the third task, which wasn't easy at all.

"Well it's nice to hear that you are proud of your girlfriend," I chuckled a little and squeezed his hand tighter.

"I will never stop being proud of you."

I lifted up my head and looked at his beautiful eyes. Merlin...I will never get used to the fact that the love in his eyes is meant for me. Those eyes are the eyes I'm most eager to see whenever I wake up. And the feeling I had when I was able to actually get to look at him, when I thought I had died. That was also why this all was so important to the both of us.

Voldemort was ready to murder a teenager, just because he wasn't supposed to be there. And even if it was me who was disguised as Cedric, he still didn't have any mercy. He could have just send me away from there, but decided to hit me with the killing curse just because he had the power to do so.

So we need to fight against something like that. Because we don't want any child to suffer because of him anymore. Harry Potter has lost so much and he of all people deserve peace. We need to secure our future so that we can form a safe future for our children's generation. And since Alice is pregnant at the moment, it pulls us all to think the same way.

"We should probably get some sleep since it seems that they are not coming, it's already dawn," Cedric muttered tiredly. But just when I was about to answer to him, we both heard a loud crack, which made us both wake up completely.

We both got up from the sofa as quickly as possible and turned to face Laurie who was standing there, breathing heavily, his wand in his hand. "It has started...we need to go," he said under his breath. There was no doubt that he hadn't already been back at school.

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