Chapter 6.

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Theo and I have been talking for quite a while now, just talking about totally random things, which was basically good, since we were still getting know to each other. I had told him more about my family and how I was basically forced to have a "real" job when I graduate from Hogwarts. Theo also told me more about his family and what they expect from him, since he's the future owner of the company. He really appreciated his family company, but told me that he really just wants to live before he settles down. He wants to travel around the world, make some memories he's not going to regret, and although I am not travelling around the world right now, I knew exactly what he meant.

"So Ariana, any plans for today except skipping classes to hang out with me?" Theo grinned as he leaned againts one of the trees near the Black Lake, while I just sat on one of the rocks, which wasn't such a good thing, since it was really cold.

"Just trying to clear my mind I guess?" I muttered.

"About what?" he asked curiously.

I smiled and let out a deep sigh. "It's a bit complicated", I just said, to which he nodded his head.

"By the way, do you have a date to the Yule Ball already?" he asked casually, looking at the Lake. Oh please tell me that you are not going to ask me.

I just carefully shook my head, so he could understand my answer, and as soon as I did so he started to smile. "Would you come with me if I asked you?"

My mind became a mess. He was really asking me to the ball, even though he could anyone to go with him. "Theo I'm-"

"I know that you like someone else, but I haven't seen him asking you to the ball either. And since you shook your head, that only means that he hasn't done so yet", he said, moving somewhat closer to me.

I looked up to his eyes. "You are a really good guy and-"

"Then say yes", he cut me again, making me chuckle.

"But if you know that I like someone else, you must know that I'm waiting for him?"

He nodded his head and let out a sigh. He then, out of no where, moved way too close, taking my arm and pulling me up just so that our faces where inches from each others. My hear was beating faster, but only because it was all happening so fast. He had a mischievous smile on his face, making him look quite handsome. "What a shame...I know my parents would have been very happy if I had brought home a girl like you", he grinned.

I shook my head amused. "Is that supposed to make me fall for you?"

He let out a light laugh. "It should make you fall in love with me, but I guess your heart really belongs to someone", he finally admitted and moved away from me, just a little bit though. He studied my expression and let out an impatient growl.

"But just remember this that I'm going to win you over someday. But don't worry, I will leave you alone...for now", he said and suddenly kissed my cheek.

He laughed at my expression and then said his good-byes and decided to walk away. I put my hand over my cheek, to where he had just kissed me, and I sighed closing my eyes.

"Damn you Theo", I muttered to myself.


Cedric's POV.

I was trying to listen what they were talking about, but I was too far away from them so it was technically impossible. Ariana was sitting on a rock, while that Theo guy was leaning against one of the trees. The way he looked at her told it all. Suddenly something that Theo said, made Ariana look at him into his eyes.

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