Chapter 13.

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I felt my chest tightening as I walked towards the Great Hall all alone. Cedric, Alice and Laurie had gone before me, since I needed to pay a visit to Dumbledore again. He had noticed how much I was struggling so he gave me something to help me sleep. And to be honest, I really needed that. Just in two days the final task of the Triwizard tournament would take place and I wasn't that excited about it anymore. What made things somewhat worse, was the fact that my parents and Cedric's parents would be arriving today after breakfast. I felt nervous even thinking about it. What if they weren't happy about my decisions and would come here only to make some sense into me. And to be honest, during this crazy time, I probably would agree to everything they would say to me.

I haven't been sleeping one bit after everything I saw. I was too eager to see more visions about what would happen to Harry and Cedric. I needed to know, since it was only me who could see the visions. I felt like Dumbledore was trusting me to see more visions and even I thought so as well.

And all this, hadn't made Cedric any more happier. He had caught me staying up in the common room, late at night, really worrying over me. And it made my hear ache to see how much we were not spending with each other.

I looked at the small potions bottle and hid it inside my school robes as I entered the Great Hall, where almost everyone where already eating. I searched through the room and my eyes fell on my friends and my boyfriend. I smiled tiredly and walked towards them.

"Morning", I murmured and sat down next to Laurie, while Alice and Cedric sat on the other side of the table. They all looked at me as I took some porridge and started to eat it slowly.

"Did you get any help from him?" Alice asked carefully.

I looked at her and nodded my head slightly. "Yeah I did...nothing to worry about anymore", I tried to assure them.

"You know that we won't believe that, have you seen yourself?" Laurie asked, only to be kicked by Alice under the table. I let out a sigh and slowly met Cedric's eyes.

"I'm sorry that I have been like this for a while...", I muttered some more.

He just shook his head. "You don't have to apologize, but just like Laurie said, I don't believe that everything is alright with you when you won't even tell us what's going on. Are you in some kind of a trouble? I'm sure that if you would just tell us, we could help you and-."

"No you couldn't...", I quickly spoke over him. I quickly apologized with my eyes as I saw him sighing. "There is nothing you can do...I just...I just have this thing I need to figure just believe in me to handle this on my own", I asked.

They all looked at each others, not happy at all, but somehow they were able to all nod their heads. I moved my hand over the table and put it over Cedric's hand. He looked at our hands and I smiled ever so lovingly. "Besides, you need to concentrate on yourself. You have a big day coming ahead and you need to get ready...besides you are going to meet my parents today...", I explained.

"I guess you are right...but still", he started and looked at me. "I worry for you since you are the only person I love with my whole heart, did you really think that I would just stop worrying?"

"Well no...but a girl can dream right?" I joked, finally getting a small smile from him.

"Should we go outside? I think your parents will be arriving soon?" Alice suggested. We all nodded and stood up. Alice gave me a tight squeeze as I still held Cedric's hand. All four of us just walked out from the Great Hall, heading our ways towards the entrance of the school.

And before we entered the late spring morning, Cedric stopped me, making everyone go before us. He pulled me towards him and gently lifted my chin up, making me look at him into his beautiful eyes. "No matter what you parents say today...just remember that I will always stay by your side Ariana. I will always support you and stay with you", he whispered slightly.

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