Today had been a hectic day, there were rescues from the second we clocked on and they hadn't let up all afternoon. I'd been spread across the whole beach, while my partner y/n was trapped on tower duty due to a medical condition that saw her off work for a month before she was able to convince Hoppo to let her come back and do nothing but tower duty and paperwork.
I hadn't been able to go up and check on her all day, because I had to skip lunch due to a mass rescue down backpackers and I was anxious to see how she was doing on her first day back at work.
"Go check on your girl Bisho, I'll watch the waters for a few minutes," Harries speaks up from the back of the rhino where he was directing swimmers on the megaphone.
I throw on my lifeguard shirt and jog back up the beach towards the tower. I pass Reidy on the stairs, who was going to get lunch leaving y/n on her own in the tower.
Once inside the tower, I see y/n sat in the middle chair, with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders despite it being boiling outside. The condition she'd been diagnosed with made her cold all the time, and it also made her lose her appetite which was why she looked skinnier than usual.
"Did you eat today? Like, at all y/n?" I question, sitting down on the chair next to hers.
She sighs and puts down the binoculars, "I'm pretty sure I had a piece of cheese at some point, but that could have been a hallucination..."
I shake my head, "It has been busy all day so it's understandable y/n, but did you try and eat something?"
y/n chews her lip, "Reidy offered me some biscuits earlier, and I did nibble on one, but then I had to direct Harrison sucks being sick...I don't feel like myself anymore..."
I get up and wrap my arms around her, kissing the top of her head, "we're taking it one day at a time y/n. The doctor said you're making good progress and we'll have you back in the water rescuing people in no time. Remember that I love you, and you have the support of all the lifeguards."
She hugs me back, "I don't deserve someone like you Bisho, but I love you too."
Next thing I know her stomach rumbles and I pull back chuckling while she blushes, "I'll grab you something to eat."
"Thanks," she mumbles back.
I get up and leave the tower, bumping into Hoppo in the process.
"How's y/n doing?" he asks, concerned for her well being not just as a boss but as her older brother.
I run my fingers through my hair, "she hasn't eaten anything all day, so I'm going to get her something now she feels hungry. I just had to reassure her that one day she'll be back to her old self."
Hoppo pats me on the shoulder, "you're good to my sister so take your time."
I nod and walk away from him, deciding to head up to y/n's favourite cafe to get her favourite sandwich. I wanted only the best for my y/n.
Bondi Rescue Imagines *DISCONTINUED*
Fanfiction*DISCONTINUED* An Imagines books based on the lifeguards on Bondi Rescue! You're welcome :) My brand new obsession...