He's back and a fusion mishap

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I begin to cry as I hug my brother. "I-i thought you were dead." I say tears rolling down my face.
"I thought so too, but the scientists decided to give up on hunting us and healed me. I do have a few scars though." Looking up at his face I smile and hug him even tighter. He boops my forehead with his and we stay like that for a good 10 seconds. We back up from each other, still holding hands. Koda begins explaining what he had done in his time recovering, catching and training pokemon and figuring out fusions. He explains how he dispises fusions and how brutal and grotesque they can be.
"Y/N!" I turn around to see Ash and the others running towards me, including Kukui. They all stop infront of the both of us. "We were looking for you. Gladion told us what happened yesterday. Are you ok?"
"What happened y/n?" Koda asks.
"W-well i lost control and killed 4 pokemon." I explain. Koda smacks me upside the head. "I deserved that." He nods his head as i giggle. I hear footsteps running towards us as Gladion also arrives.
"Y/n i got a letter in the mail from someone. It's addressed to you." He says, handing me the letter. I open it and read it.

Dear y/n,

We want you to be the first to try out a new pokemon fusion. We will be fusing a Jolteon, Flareon, and Vaporeon into one hybrid. Please meet us at this address listed below.


Ps-come alone

Confused by this, i fold the letter and put it in my pocket.
"Hey do you wanna hang out y/n?" Ash asks. I nod my head and turn to Koda.
"Come with us Koda." He rolls his eyes and sighs.
"Fine." I smile and the others lead me to Mallows resturaunt. (I swear this place has become a hang out spot by now.) We walk in and sit down, since the resturaunt was empty we were goofing off. We were laughing and joking when i remembered the letter. "I gotta go. Ill be back though." I say running out of the store. I turn into a charizard and fly off. I search for the address and land there. I transform back and knock on the door. A woman in a lab coat, covered in blood, pokemon blood stands there. She grabs my arm and pulls me in the building. "Let me go!" I yell at her. I am shushed by her as we walk down the hall. We come to a metal door, a pokeball labled on it. She inputs a code, '59840' i think to myself as she inputs it. We walk into the room and i become scared.

I look at the few pokemon/human hybrids. I walk over to the alolan vulpix hybrid as she had many bruises and cuts. I reach out to see one of her arms. She quickly uses powder snow on me out of fear. I counder it with ice beam. She backs up a bit as i get closer.
"P-please don't hurt me."she says. I let out my shiny mew tail . she regains a bit of condidence, realizing that i was also a science experiment. One of the scientists grabs my tail. I use aura sphere on her. "Don't grab my tail!" I yell. A scientist grabs my arm and leads me out of the room. We come to a door and he opens it. We arrive in the lab area. We go behind some glass and he presses a button. A flareon, Jolteon, and a vaporeon are revealed in cages. he presses another button and it releases them. They jump down and look around. 12 neon blue wires come out and attatch to their paws. A red ray is they deployed onto them. Thats when they start to fuse. A blinding white light is emmited from them. When it dies down i look at the creature.

It certainly looked pretty but when its sound emmited it was in shock

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It certainly looked pretty but when its sound emmited it was in shock. I emmited a blood cuttling shriek of pain

(Similar to this idk)
I back up a bit and run out to get to the fusion. I open the door and run over to it. It continues to scream and tries to bite me. I hug it to show that i am not a threat to thrm. It taps a pokeball on my belt and transforms into a red light. I is sucked into the pokeball and wiggles 3times before it it caught. It is transfered to the pc. I teleport to the other shifters and free them. I run over and open the door. We run out and run to a different room. I look and see an eevee and a jolteon.

 I look and see an eevee and a jolteon

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The jolteon gets up and tries to protect the eevee

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The jolteon gets up and tries to protect the eevee. I go over to the eevee and put my hand near it. The jolteon bites my hand. I flinch a bit and pet the jolteon. It becomes docile and allows me to examine the eevee. I lift the eevee's head to look at its eye. I put jolteon in my bag and carried the eevee in my arms. I put the bag on my arm so the jolteon could see that the eevee was going to be ok.  I run to the shifters in the lab. The alolan vulpix starts speaking to me. "The kanto vulpix is still in the glass tube!" (Idk what the fuck its called.) I hand the eevee and jolteon to her and run to the kanto vulpix. I begin repeatedly hitting the glass with my fist. The kanto vulpix opens his eyes. He puts his hand on the glass and looks at me. "I'm trying to help you. Can you try kicking the glass?" He nods his head and begins kicking the glass tube. It begins cravking and for the final blow, I use mach punch. The glass shatters and the vulpix is released.  He runs to a nearby wall and presses some sort of button. A fire stone pops out and he touches it. He begins to evolve into a kantonian ninetales. He evolves and we run out to the others. The alolan vulpix hands me the bag with jolteon in it and eevee in her arms. We all run out together and run to the lab. We arrive at professer Kukui's house and for some reason the alolan vulpix crashes through the window. "Oh my god you're an idiot." I mutter. Ash comes outside to see what happened and sees all of us. He lets us in and asks kukui if we all can stay the night. He agrees and we all get cleaned up and apply first aid. After all of that we eat and go to sleep.

Sorry i havent updated in a ling time. I kinda forgot about this story ever since last marking period of school ended. I have to get my grades up to pass. Anyway. I will try to update more next week. Most likely about 2 new chapters. See yall next time

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