Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to LEXI! <3

Chapter 4

“Valerie, Valerie, Valerie,Valerie,Valerie” Some says repeatedly

“WHAT!?” I scream with all my power

“Come on let’s go!”

I flutter my eyelashes open and see Niall standing in front of me

“Go away” I say turning over in bed

“C’mon! We’re going to go eat out!” He says

“No. Leave me alone” I say putting the pillow on top of my head

“GET UP!” He screams grabbing my legs and pulling them

I immediately grab my headboard so he can’t pull me off the bed

“STOP!” I say

“NO! GET UP!” He replies

I sit up in bed

“Leave me alone!” I whine

He sits next to me

“Aw poor Valerie! GET UP! Oh and nice shirt by the way” He says

I look down to see me wearing a white tank top with a zebra print bra underneath

“Niall James Horan! You cheeky little bastard!” I say folding my arms across my chest

He laughs

“It’s 11:00 Now go get ready! The rest of the boys are waiting!” He says

“Did Taylor let you in?” I ask

“Yeah she was going to work and let me in” He says

‘But I don’t want to get up” I say laying back down

“VALERIE! Get up right now!” He says


“I’m going to put ice cold water-”

“I’m up!” I scream running to the shower

“Just make yourself comfy!” I scream

“I will!” He replies


I walk out of the shower fully dressed. I decided to wear some short shorts and a plain black short sleeved V-neck shirt

Niall was downstairs watching TV

I put a braided headband on my wavy hair. It wasn’t curly, just wavy

I hopped down the stairs

“Niall, Leggo” I say

“The boys are just going to pick us up from here” He says

“Oh when are they coming?” I ask

“In like 15 minutes” He replies eating a cupcake

“Oh you look pretty today” He adds

“Ya cunt, you saying I was ugly yesterday?” I say sitting down on the sofa next to him

He laughs

“Yes, yes I am”

I pout

“Niall?” I ask


“Are the boys easy to get along with? I don’t want them not to like me” I say

“Don’t worry about it! They will make you feel like family in no time” He says

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