Chapter 12

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  • Dedicated to All my readers <3

~Valerie's Point Of View~

I squint my eyes, or at least I think I do. My head was banging and my breaths were uneven because of the pain. I tried to open my eyes, but they refused. I gave up using the little energy I had to open my eyes. I felt someone laying next to me which scared me because I had no idea what happened last night. Man, what did happen last night?! And why is there someone sleeping next to me...? I felt panic rise through my body. WHO is lying on my bed?! I breathe slowly, I was freaking over nothing, it was probably Taylor, she might've had a bad dream or something. After using ever little drop of power I had in my body, my eyes peeled open. The constant pounding in my head just got worse, and I immediately winced at the pain. The sudden movement of jerking my head back to the pain just made it worse. I groaned and turned noticed a hand on my face

"Da hell.." I mutter moving the hand from my face. I moved my eyes to see who exactly was sleeping next to me and I see Niall. Niall? What was he doing here..? And why didn't he just sleep on the other bed? Oh wait we lost the other mattress. Now I remember! The night was still blurry but I remembered some things like my mum twerking. Wait what why did I remember that? DELETE MEMORY I SAID DELETE MEMORY. Ugh too late, the image was back *shudders*

"Niall" I moan and groan

"What the hell is your problem" He yells turning around in bed angrily. It was a small bed and his movement caused the bed to shake, which made me fall of the bed. My head hit the side table and I winced in pain, plus for the fact I already had a headache from the hangover

A moan escapes my lips as I reach to the top of my head and feel some blood, it wasn't a lot, but there was some

"Sure push the girl who had a brain tumor off the bed" The words leave my mouth without me even realizing it. I never ever used my brain tumor for an excuse for anything, and never would want anyone to treat me differently or pity me because I had a brain tumor

Niall's head shoot out of bed and I can see the pain in his face from the sudden movement

"Oh shit Valerie are you okay?" He mumbles in his morning voice while running his hand through his hair. He gets out of bed and walks over to me kneeling over

"Niall I'm fine honestly, I was just joking" I say smiling

"Valerie you're bleeding!" He shrieks

"Niall it's a scratch there is no blood dripping out I'm not going to die calm down!"

"BLOOD I SEE BLOOD" He screams

"Niall what is wrong with you?!" I ask him

"I'm so sorry Valerie, I'm so soooo sorry, I pushed you out of bed I'm so stupid you had a brain tumor! Your head probably hurts more than mines right now. I'm so-"

"Say sorry one more time and I'll cut your balls" I mutter

Niall knows I hate sympathy, and I know he was just looking out for me but it's annoying. His eyes were bulging out of his head

"SHOULD I CALL 911?" He asks actually practically screams at me

"Niall what the bloody hell! No! It's a scratch calm-"


I was taken aback at his range but started giggling. It was funny! Why my left boob?! Why not my right one!? What's wrong with my right boob?! It felt unloved!

I felt warm blood start to trickle down my forehead and I try to cover it before Niall sees, but it was too late

"Oh my god" He says his hands flying to my forehead

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