Chapter 24: Courtroom 2

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Hey guys I just wanted to say that I have a personal teen romance story with 5 chapters and if you will give it a chance and read it...

It was time... time for the Ruling over hunter it wasn't going to trial since it was a simple case.

I wanted to spend a lot with time with hunter but of course Noah took that away from me every time Hunter came in the room

I was worried because I thought the Judge would over look me since Noah had the better job and spent a lot of time with Hunter.

The last member of the jury came in with the decision I was shaking so badly the judge looked at me

"Jury you may show me with your verdict?!" He said calmly

The Jury member walked up and showed the verdict and the judge looked at me and smiled but I was too nervous

"And the verdict is"... he said

" we believe that The child should belong with his mother... There is no reason and Certainly no Way twins can be separated so this child belongs too... Rochelle Evan's"

I was so relieved that hunter got to stay with me my baby gets to stay, I burst into tears and grabbed my baby hugging him tightly.

"Visitations are every first weekend or long weekend of the month... God bless you all good afternoon goodbye" He said dearly

I returned to the hotel and packed all our stuff up while I heard a knock at the door

"Noah???" I said confused

"I'm here to say goodbye to hunter before you leave" he says

"Just hunter?? What about your daughter Alexandra remember her... I will see if he wants to talk to you but I'm not really sure " I said angry

"Hey... hunter baby Do you want to say goodbye to dada??" I ask

"No... no... no" he said scared hugging his sister

"Alex do you want too" I asked but she was still having trouble speaking so I went back to the door

"Sorry Noah... He doesn't want to hes mad and hurt and Why did you come the only time you can see the kids are the first weekends of the month... Always obey the courts orders" I said rudely and while I slammed the door

I walked out with my family and ordered a uber and got to the airport with 5 minutes to find our first class seats

We were on our way home while Colette rested it was a peaceful flight

We got home and it was cold colder than ever of course I was used to it because we have a big part of our family down in Toronto

I put the kids to bed and sat down with Lee and watched a movie and relaxed

That's when I turned my phone back on

Noah: Elle... this is not over I will get my son... I will take him away from you... You understand

Elle: What are you talking about Noah The judge ruled on my side because I never had time with them after i was kidnapped...

Elle: and why would you want to take Hunter away from his sister?? That's ridiculous Noah..

Noah: I want hunter away from alex because Hunt has potential and alex is a distraction always nagging at him and Distracting him...

Elle: THATS RIDICULOUS... there only 1 1/2 Noah there barely speaking

Elle: Noah... If you keep nagging at me I will bring this into the courtroom again and you will never see your children again

Elle: Seeing your children is a right but also a privalage... keep that in your mind...

That was the end of our conversation and off to bed I went
*Dream state*

It started again... the dream this time I was standing up my head was spinning I could barely see what was going on

My heart was beating so fast I did not know what was coming to me

Then I woke up...


Hey guys just a quick update I will try to update tomorrow but tomorrow is my BIRTHDAAY I will be turning the big 13 I will be a teenager sorry I haven't updated I have been recently sick so it was hard


A) what do you think the dreams are about

B) Do you want me to start a YOUTUBE CHANNEL and what content do you want

C) Do you want a Q AND A



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