Gray x Shy!reader

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Art is not by me. Credit to the person who drew this. This was requested by MaruaderFan


Y/s/n: your ship name


You sighed as you heard Gray and Natsu fighting again. You took a sip of your booze. You normally didn't drink, which was probably why you were feeling a bit tipsy already after your third sip.

"Hey y/n?" Mira asked.

You looked up at the white haired girl, whom you considered your only friend. Despite being apart of the guild for seven years already.

"Yea Mira?" You asked.

"I know you'll say no, but will you come to the party that Lucy's hosting today?" Mira asked.

"Lucy? Wanting people in her apartment?! Since when!" You asked Mira in shock.

Despite the fact that you were a shy person and would usually be alone, you knew many things about your guild mates. No you weren't a stalker, but you either saw them do something stupid, or heard them say something stupid. Never once did you see or hear your guild mates do anything normal.

"Please y/n?! Maybe you'll catch a hot guy! Plus it'll be good to go out. You haven't been out in ages!" Mira tried to reason with you.

"I'm sorry Mira, but you know how I feel about crowds. I'll come to a party next time ok?" You said.

Just as you took another sip of booze, a chair hit your back. The whole guild went silent. You slowly turned around with a forced smile on your face. You could immediately tell who the culprits were since they were the only two fighting. You got up from the bar stool.

"So... Who's the asshole that decided to throw a chair at my back?!" You said while cracking your knuckles.

A deadly aura surrounded you. A deadly aura that the guild had never seen before. Except for Mira who witnessed your bad days. And so you leapt at the two boys and beat them up until you heard no more cracking.

Time skip

You were all cozy in your room when all of a sudden a knock sounded at your door. Sighing, you got up to go see who disturbed your moment of rest. As soon as you opened the door, you saw Mira. Immediately you knew what she had planned.

"Oh no. No no no no no no no!" You said as you ran to your room.

"Y/n! You're going to that party wether you like it or not!" Mira said as she chased after you.

Eventually, Mira won. She forced you into an outfit that was a bit to revealing in your opinion. Now, the two of you were walking to Lucy's apartment. You would go run back to your apartment, but Mira threatened to chase you with her Satan Soul if you did.

"Soooo... Do you have any crushes y/n?" Mira asked.

At the thought of this, it made you blush." Nope" you lied.

However you knew it didn't work because Mira had noticed your red face.

"Gray" Mira asked with a smirk.

"I spend way to much time with you" you stated.

"So I'm right! Y/s/n forever!" Mira shouted.

Eventually the two of you arrived. When Gray opened the door, he was surprised to see you standing there.

"And now he's opening doors for you" joked Mira.

"Shut up" you mumbled.

The night carried through. Everyone was partying and getting drunk. While you were sitting on Lucy's couch alone. Eventually Gray walked up to you and sat down.

"Soo... Y/n? How are you doing?" Asked Gray.

"Fine, and you?" You asked back.

"Great" said Gray.

It was easier talking to him since he was probably a bit tipsy.

"Did Mira send you?" You asked.

"Nah. I just saw you here alone and thought you needed some company" said Gray.

"Uhh... Thanks?" You said, unsure.

Gray laughed," you're welcome y/n.

Eventually, you and Gray left. He offered to walk you home, and so you let him.

"Why don't you socialize with the rest of the guild? I mean it's been seven years since you joined the guild. Everyone just knows you as 'the shy girl'" Gray spoke.

"I'm fine with that" you plainly stated.

"Alright? Anyways, Mira told me you like someone? Who is it? Come on, your secret's safe with me" Gray urged.

"Your drunk. Maybe I should walk you home" you said.

Gray chuckled. "I'm not drunk. I'm just a bit excited that's all" He said.

"Oh? And why would that be?" You asked.

"Because I'm talking to 'the shy girl'" answered Gray.

Finally, the two of you reached your house.

"Thank you for talking to me Gray. And walking me home. I really needed a friend tonight" you said.

"Oh really? I'm a friend huh? Last time I spoke with Mira, she said that I was your crush. And then she yelled y/s/n... It was really embarrassing" Gray nervously said.

"Wait what?! I knew Mira couldn't keep a secret" you mumbled half to Gray and half to yourself.

"I was honestly hoping that you liked me," Gray continued," because I like you to Y/n".

Gray lifted up your chin and kissed your lips. A smirk placed on his lips after the kiss.

"Do you possibly want to be my girlfriend y/n?" Asked Gray.

"Yes!" You said.

You leaped at the boy and hugged him. Your arms were wrapped around his neck and his arms were wrapped around your waist.

"So... Do you wanna go to a restaurant tomorrow at say... 6:30?" Gray asked.

"Yea. 6:30 is perfect" you said.

"Goodnight and goodbye y/n"said Gray.

He kissed your forehead and went off. You looked over to the bushes.

"Mira, you devil! I'll kill you!" You shouted.

"Hey! At least my matchmaking skills got you two together. The both of you make a cute couple by the way!" Said Mira as she held up some pictures of you two.

You ended up chasing Mira. But she ended up getting away from you, since you were tired.

I hope you liked this oneshot. I also feel like Gray is ooc in this One shot.

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