Male!Reader X Evergreen-Part 2

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Requested By: ArlanHanson

Title: From Friends to Lovers

.Lucy is Ooc


It was five years. Five years since you first met your twin in many years. Five years since you and Evergreen had first been friends. It was three years now that the two of you had been together. Married for about one year. You could have never asked for a better life.

You were living in Magnolia now. You could easily see your twin, Lucy. And now, your wife of one year, Evergreen, was the greatest wife ever and you loved her. How did the two of you confess you loved each other? Well, it all started when...


You nervously fiddled with your fingers. Two years. Two years and you had grown to like Evergreen. Not in a friend liking way... But rather... A loving way. A way that others would consider... A way for couples. Everything was so confusing. You had expected Lucy to fall in love first. Not you.

Thoughts of Evergreen entering your mind. Heart pounding as you thought about making her yours. You hated these feelings. You hated these thoughts. They hurt you so much. Love was a confusing thing. Especially when it came to you. Yes, you had partners in the past. But... Well they just never made you feel like this.

But Evergreen. She did. And it was killing you. You were just like anyone else who had fallen in love. The good old simple being clumsy around your crush. Stuttering whenever they talked to you. You know. All those simple pesky actions that you would involuntarily do.

"This is soo stupid" you spoke as you put your hands over your face.

"What's so stupid?" Evergreen asked as she sat down next to you, startling you.

"O-oh... Uh... N-n-nothing" you stuttered out.

Evergreen smirked,"Ok."

The two of you sat at the bar. Talking about random stuff. But suddenly, Evergreen brought up a subject that you didn't even want to think about. Love.

"Hey uh... My cousin's getting married and I uh... Wanted to ask if you wanted to go with me? Of course you don't have to... I just... I just wanted to ask. Just in case" Evergreen stated nervously.

You stared at her in complete shock. Was Evergreen asking you out on a date? Oh, wait. She wasn't. She said her cousin was getting married and she wanted to ask you if you wanted to go with her. That's right. You shouldn't get so ahead of yourself. But maybe it will be good if you go with her. Maybe you could officially recognize if these feelings were nothing more than a crush. Or, something more than a normal schoolboy crush.

"So. What do you say? You wanna come or not?" Evergreen broke your train of thought.

"Oh. Uh. Yeah! Of course! I'd love to go with you Ever's!" You answered.

"Alright then! I'll go tell my cousin right now!" Stated Evergreen as she got up from her stool.

"No stuttering this time. That's an improvement" Lucy's voice spoke up.

You turned to look over at her. Giving her your infamous death glare. Oh how you didn't really hate, but loved her.

"Shut up. You're gonna embarrass me if she hears you" you whined.

"So? I might as well do it so she falls in love with you" Lucy stated.

"Yes. Because she totally isn't going to laugh at me and not be friends with me because of some embarrassing moments in my life" you shot back at her.

"Fine. Fine. If you don't want my help, then I won't help" Said Lucy as she walked away.

"Thank you!" You shouted after her.

"What were you guys talking about?" Asked Evergreen as she came up to you.

"Nothing. Just your normal average sibling stuff" you said reassuringly.

"Alright. Anyways, so the wedding is gonna be..." Evergreen began on her long talk about the wedding info.


You stood in front of the mirror, straightening your tie as much as possible. You were nervous. This was the first time you would officially going to be left alone with Evergreen. Yes, other people were going to be at the wedding, but this was the first time it would be just the two of you. Alone. Together.

"You don't need to try so hard" Lucy's voice interrupted your thoughts.

"Its a wedding Lucy. I need to look nice" you stated.

"I'm talking about looking nice to Evergreen! She won't care about how you look! You look nice enough, so don't try so hard to look nice" reassured Lucy.

You sighed. In all honesty, Lucy was right. She was right about everything. Twin intuition you guess?

"Alright. You're right" you said, smiling afterwards.

The doorbell rang. The beautiful chime signalling that Evergreen had arrived at last.

"Coming!" Lucy yelled as she ran to the front door.

You could hear the two exchange some words. They were laughing. Probably gossiping about you. Footsteps sounded and soon you were faced with Evergreen. You blushed immediately. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

"H-hi" you nervously said.

"H-hi" she replied back.

The two of you now had red faces. Seeing each other in formal wear was something the two of you had never seen from each other. Going to a wedding with just the two of you... Where anything could happen.

"Anyways! Why don't you lovebirds go on and go to the wedding already!" Lucy said as she pushed you two out the front doors.

When did she drag you all the way to the front doors? The two of you looked over at each other and started laughing.

"Come on," Evergreen grabbed your hand,"Let's get going."


The ceremony was an elegant one. The two of you were outside, looking up at the stars. It was your guy's favorite thing to do together.

"Isn't it a great party?" Evergreen asked.

"Yeah" you said smiling.

The two of you turned to look at each other. Fireworks seemed to go off. You could hear your heart pounding. The two of you began to lean in slowly. And soon, your lips collided with each others.The two of you pulling away as you needed air.

"Love you Ever's" you said.

"Love you too... Y/n" Evergreen said.

The two of you shared yet another passionate kiss under the star lit sky. Everything in the world seemed so perfect. Especially with Evergreen right by your side.


Word count: 1,077

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