Adult!Wendy X Male!Reader X Adult!Chelia Lemon

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Requested by: POTETO_blue

Title: Pure Love

Warning(s): Sex

.Reader is in poly relationship with Wendy and Chelia
.Reader can not use magic
.Wendy is ooc

It had been many years since Fairy Tail disbanded. Many old guilds and new guilds quickly rising to the top after it did so. Although, rumors did have it that Fairy Tail was coming back once more. But why should you care? Wendy would care, that was for sure. Unlike you, Wendy and Chelia were magic users. Something you had always envied about them.

Every since you were a young child, you were fascinated with magic. Your parents were able to use magic. Your siblings were able to use magic. But you. You ended up the black sheep of the family. Everyone could use magic. But you. Every time there was a parade that had magic in it, you would go and see it. All the pretty lights. Magic made you happy. But not being able to do magic. That made you upset.

And now, here you were. In the city market, looking to stock up on produce. Meanwhile, Wendy and Chelia had also gone out to fetch... Whatever it was they were going to fetch. The girls were a mystery to you. They could be kind, sweet, clumsy, secretive, odd, and all sorts of other things. But the way they were acting today... They were planning something. Something mischievous.

But you needn't worry about that right now. Instead, you decided to focus on grocery shopping.


You had gotten home to find that the girls weren't there. Which was odd because the sun had begun to set as soon as you got home. Instead of waiting for them to return home, you began cooking their favorite dinner meals. Your anniversary was coming up, so you decided to shower them with gifts until then. When you would give them the hugest surprise every.

You had been planning to propose to them. The three of you had been together for about six years. Six years turning to seven years. You were nervous of course. Who wouldn't be? The possibility of 'no' to your proposal were horrifying to say the least. The smell of burnt food filled your nostrils.

Damn it.

You quickly got the burnt food and threw it away. Luckily, you had stocked up on so much food, that it would be enough to last two years.


You didn't end up proposing. Why? Were you scared? Yes, but you would still propose. Was the timing not right? They came home late. Did they cut you off just as you were about to ask them? Yes. Yes they did. And now, here you were. The night of your anniversary. In bed. At 7:30 pm. Not celebrating.

Chelia and Wendy had promised to stay with you the whole day. But for some reason, they were needed for crazy things. Was what you would have said if nobody was there to pick them up. Excuses. Yes. Excuses. Lies. Lies. All lies. Footsteps. Yes. That was what the sound was. Footsteps. The door to your bedroom opened. Whispering voices of Chelia and Wendy were heard.

And... They kidnapped you. Somehow. Someway. They kidnapped you. And They took you somewhere. And once they showed you. You saw. They loved you. Because if they didn't, they wouldn't have planned such an elegant party. A party filled with such lovely people. From the loveliest of memories.

Laughter filled the empty and cold night. This was the most special thing that you could have ever received.


The three of you had arrived home. You all were very tired from the party. You all bothered with not getting properly ready for bed and instead just hopped on in. However, Wendy and Chelia seemed to be a bit... Grabby. Your breathing was cut off as you felt someone grab your clothes member.

Arousal quickly coming to you. The hand had been palming you. This made a buldge form in your pants. Soon, you felt a small tongue on the shell of your ear. It made you shiver a bit. The tongue seemed to glide from your ear to your neck. The hand seemed to grab your member harder.

Things seemed to go by fast. You had gotten up from the bed and quickly took off your clothes. As soon as you turned around, you could see that Chelia and Wendy had already taken their clothes off. No words were exchanged as they got on all fours and faced away from you. Showing you how badly they needed you. They already saw how badly you needed them, but you would be the one to pleasure them for the night.

You got back onto the bed and looked at thier heated cores. They were dripping wet with need. You first started by shoving a finger inside Chelia and shoved your tongue inside Wendy. As you continued to lick Wendy's insides, you added another finger inside of Chelia. You could hear them moaning in unison. Moans of "Oh dear gods" and "Please Y/n... More... Please" sounded from them.

As soon as you felt done fingering and licking them, you switched and did the same to the other. You fingered Wendy and licked Chelia. As you finished this process, you slipped your member inside Chelia first. Watching as Wendy and Chelia would make out.

You began the process of thrusting in and out. Chelia seemed to be generous as she lifted out her hand in order to finger Wendy. When it came to their climaxes, they came rather easily. They really did seem to be delicate flowers. You began thrusting in faster and faster. You watched as Wendy came, feeling Chelia's walls clench around your member.

As soon as Chelia came, you slid your member inside of Wendy. Wendy did to Chelia what she had done to her. Lifting her hand over to slip it inside of Chelia's cum soaked walls. You began the same process of thrusting in and out with Wendy. But instead of going slow, you started off fast. Skin slapping against skin, the bed creaking, loud moans emitting from the three of you.

The poor neighbors. But hey, it's my anniversary so...

You began to feel Wendy's walls clench around you. You thrusted faster and faster until she came. You could feel yourself cumming. You quickly pulled off and Wendy and Chelia quickly turned around to meet you. Their mouths quickly attaching to your member, sucking you off. At last, you came. Wendy caught your seed in her mouth, so she shared. She and Chelia kissed each other, passing the seed around in each others mouth. When they felt like they had an even amount, they swallowed it.

The three of you laid down. All of a sudden you remembered something. Gathering enough courage at last, you spoke.

"Will the two of you marry me?"

"Yes" Wendy and Chelia replied at the same time.

"Wait... If we are going to marry you. Where are our rings?" Chelia asked.

"I have them, but I'm too tired to get them" you replied as you yawned, drifting off to a peaceful sleep.

Everything seemed like such a wonderful dream.


Word count: 1,206

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