Chapter 8- The impulsivity and danger of Jeon Jungkook

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Taehyung's P.O.V

Jungkook and I met in front of our lockers before school once again and went outside to walk around the school, I noticed that he wasn't talking as much as he always did, "did something happen after you went home yesterday?" he stopped and turned to face me, "yes." "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked him, he just looked back at me and nodded, "a guy named Kris sent a letter to my house address, which is also my grandparent's, my grandma saw it before I came home, and when I entered the house she was already crying because of it".

I felt bad for his grandma, but I felt even worse when he described what was written there, "Kris sent me something similar on my phone," "I remember Tae," I didn't even hear that, I was too busy thinking about the bad memory that came to my mind, he noticed that and put his hand on my shoulder. "Did he do something else?" his voice sounded calm, but I didn't want him to go crazy after I told him.

"I don't know if I should-" "Just tell me, you promised we won't keep secrets from each other," he was right, so I had to tell him. "Last winter, I was at the park with one of the twins, Tom, Kris and his group of friends came there too, half of them asked Tom to go with them, he agreed out of fear, while the other half, including Kris, stayed with me at the park. Nobody else was there," Jungkook wanted to hear what happened next, even though he was already pissed.

"He was really mad because he copied answers from me during the history exam and still failed, so he and his friends started to hit me. It was snowing, they took off my coat, and full of bruises, coughing blood, I was laying on the cold bloody snow while shaking and freezing, It was terrible, and I was so scared," I shivered at the memory once again.

"Please tell me more," I heard him saying, so I did, "I tried to stand up, but they pushed me down to the snow every time I almost did, they took off my jacket and revealed the shirt that was underneath, it had short sleeves and... they just started to laugh while calling me a loser and other names. After a while, I finally was somehow able to get up and run away," I was almost crying as I remembered the humiliation and pain.

He calmed down for a moment and took one of my hands, he revealed my wrist and looked at it, "they are fading away," he said and we smiled at each other, but Jungkook's expression became scary again and I flinched a bit.

Jungkook's P.O.V

'How dare they, how dare they do that to my Taehyung?' I wanted nothing more than finally avenge him for what he did to Tae and my grandma.

It was launch time, and I was going to meet Tae in the cafeteria, but I wanted to search for Kris first, and so I did until I heard a voice from one of the bathrooms, it was Kris and two of his friends.

I was full of rage and entered the bathroom, I punched one of them and yelled: "if you don't want to get hurt, out!" the friends left out of fear, and they left me alone with Kris. I gave him a sadistic smile, he wasn't scared, he was confident, which made it so much better, I couldn't wait to see him filled with horror because of me. It's been so long since someone had cried because of me, since someone begged for my mercy, I missed it so much.

Kris tried to punch me first, but I caught his hand and started twisting it until I heard a crack, I enjoyed the scream he let out when I broke it, and I was laughing madly when he cried. I loved it. I let him fall to the floor and began kicking his face and stomach.

Suddenly, Tae came running to the bathroom, "stop it Jungkook!", I turned back to Kris and warned him that I would kill him if he tells anyone, he got up and ran away with multiple bruises and injuries.

Taehyung's P.O.V

Jungkook turned to me, I was shaking with fear because of what I just saw, Kris ran away crying, with his whole face covered with his own blood. Jungkook looked me in the eyes, and it was the scariest look I have ever experienced, not just coming from Jungkook, but from anybody. I had never been as scared as I was when I saw it, I felt as if he was actually going to kill me.

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