Chapter 32- Zoe and Jungkook

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Taehyung's P.O.V

We started the day with boring lessons, and once again, I planned on falling asleep and not having to listen to the entire thing, but before I was driven to dreamland, I heard my teacher saying: "so as you probably already know, that material will also be in your exam tomorrow."

I started to panic and gave Zoe that was sitting next to me a terrified face, "I completely forgot about our exam, please kill me," she laughed about how stressed out I was, "calm the fuck down Kim."

At the end of the lesson we had our lunch period, we went to the cafeteria to meet Tom and Kookie, and on our way, Zoe suggested to come to our house after school to study together, "but I doubt that you really need that, I'm sure that you'll do great anyways."

We agreed that she'd come in the afternoon and that until then I'll have time to study on my own, and we arrived at the cafeteria. "What are you two talking about?" Kookie asked us, "we have a physics exam tomorrow, and he forgot about it so he's panicking like crazy," she explained, Tom started to laugh, "I can't believe Kim forgot about an exam, I bet it's Kook's fault," I blushed and looked down.

"But anyways, Kim, you have to relax, you haven't failed even one exam your entire life! There's no reason for this one to be your first time," Jungkook looked at Tom surprised, "wow, that's actually kind of impressive, especially for someone who falls asleep during class."

"He doesn't like to show it, but he's a real genius, his memory is perfect, his logic is good, and numbers are his best friends," Zoe told him, "well I had no doubt about his intelligence, and he sure learns fast..."

A few hours later, Jungkook and I came back home, and without even telling him about the fact that Zoe was going to visit us soon, I went straight to our room, placed my notebook on his writing table, sat down and began solving problems.

Jungkook stood at his room's door and chuckled amusingly, he sat down on his bed and watched me as I was writing in my notebook nervously.

He stood up and started massaging my shoulders, "you need to relax, I've never seen someone writing so fast," he let out a small chuckle again, "it's impressive, but you probably can't understand a thing with that rushed handwriting," he glanced at my notebook, "nevermind, your handwriting is still somehow better than most of the girls' in our class."

He suddenly picked me up, sat down on the chair I was sitting on, and then he sat me on his lap. "I don't want to interrupt you, but I still want to touch you, so ignore me and keep studying," I was glad to have my back facing him instead of my face, that way he couldn't see my blush.

I continued writing, until I felt his breath against the skin of my neck, "what is it? Are you having a hard time concentrating?" he laughed, "if you'd be able to solve those problems while I'm touching you, you would for sure do them easily during your exam, so take it as training," I rolled my eyes and tried to focus again, "but I bet you can't really do that," I sighed, "challenge accepted."

It was hard for me to focus while feeling his arms wrapped around my waist and his hot breath on my neck, but it became even harder when I began feeling gentle kisses there. Jungkook began sucking on the back of my neck, I tried to do everything to not get distracted, and the challenge made him motivated to try harder.

He sneaked his hand underneath my shirt and let it travel from my stomach to my chest, caressing one of my nipples as he continued biting and sucking on my neck. I tried to ignore it, but failed and unwillingly let out a few small moans.

"What was that? I thought you were focusing on studying," "I hate you," "of course you do, that is why you sucked me off yesterday," he said sarcastically, "please don't make me think about it, I'm trying to get prepared for my exam," I wined.

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