Chapter 47- The day of the festival

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I was sleeping soundly underneath my warm, soft blanket and enjoying the nice dream I was having, until I felt something crushing onto me, resulting in me immediately opening my eyes. I was about to get mad, but the sight in front of me prevented that.

I saw Tae's face in front of mine, and I couldn't even focus on his adorable excitement. He had eyeshadows on his eyelids that made him look even more unrealistically perfect than he already was, beautiful piercing blue lenses, his hair looked a little messy, and basically, he was as hot as he could get.

He smiled at me, "good morning Kookie!" revealing fake white fangs before licking his lips like he always does out of habit, "I'm a vampire!"

I was staring at him, completely dozed off, it was too much to start the morning with, I was just a horny teenager, how the hell was I suppose to deal with that?

I gulped as he stood up, trying to remember who I was because my brain had a hard time waking up like that. "Are you planning on getting up, sleepyhead?"

I ignored his question and began checking him out instead, he was wearing black fancy clothes that really suited him, making him look like a vampire prince.

I eyed him once again from head to toe, and the first thing that came out of my mouth thanks to my half asleep, teenage brain, was: "bite me," my first words that morning.

My obvious behavior made him let out a small chuckle, "I'll just let you get ready," he said before leaving the room. I took my devil costume out of the closet and began dressing up.

My outfit looked more like a light, badass, black armor with a bit of silver, and silver horns that looked really good with my black hair and the eye makeup that took me some time to put on, though it was worth it, it was really flattering to my dark orbs. 'If I'm gay enough to know how to use makeup, I might as well use it to look super cool.'

I looked at the mirror and was satisfied with how it turned out, so I decided to exit the room and go to eat breakfast. My grandparents and Taehyung were already there, waiting for me, and once Tae heard my footsteps, he immediately turned around, excited to see my costume.

Once his eyes lay on me, the excitement on his face faded away, leaving a hypnotized stare as he gulped, "you look... Great..." he continued examining every inch of my body while licking and then biting his lips, and I was pretty sure that this time, it wasn't just out of habit.

I was amused by his actions, but I tried to ignore it as much as possible to give my brain a rest, "okay, I get what Tae thinks of it, but grandma, grandpa, what do you think about my outfit?"

"You look adorable, Jungkookie," I felt my grandma pinching my cheeks, "I doubt that 'adorable' was what he was going for, right, Taehyung?" Tae didn't stop staring even for a second, and when he heard my grandpa's voice he just nodded without letting his eyes rest.

My grandpa laughed a bit at my boyfriend and continued: "that's the difference between you two and the straight guys, they don't take themselves seriously and always wear silly costumes, you're like girls, trying to look hot," 'welcome to the gay world, old man.'

"stop shaming those two young boys for looking better than you, now start eating the delicious food in front of you, enjoy those last meals with your family before your old ass runs out of time," "Jesus, that roast just got dark," my grandpa said in response to his wife's words, and obeyed quietly.

"Sit down and eat too Jungkookie, today's breakfast is even better than the usual," the soft, sweet smile returned to the elderly woman's face, "I noticed that it smells different, what did you change?" I asked curiously, "taste the food first and then I'll tell you."

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