Chapter 21- First moans and embarrassment

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Taehyung's P.O.V

I arrived at school and saw Kookie and Tom standing in front of the lockers, we said "hello" to each other and started walking towards our class while chatting, and on our way, in the middle of the hallway, we were stopped by our teacher.

"Good morning Mr.Kim, I need to talk to you, and I'm afraid our conversation won't be too pleasant," Kookie and Tom didn't look too happy about it, but I had no choice, so I followed him to the corner of one of the hallways, where we could talk in privet.

I was nervous since I knew that no matter what, that teacher just wouldn't leave me alone, and I started praying that he would when I heard what he had to say, "I know that you have feelings for a guy, and I think that your parents should know about the people you're hanging out with, since he's a bad influence, I think that telling them about Mr.Jeon Jungkook would just be fair."

I tried to stop him, "I don't have feelings towards anybody, so there's no need," he gave me a stare, knowing that I was lying, "I just wanted you to know," he said and walked away.

I got back to my friends, they noticed that I was upset and asked what had happened, "Kookie was right, the teacher noticed my stares and he wants to tell my parents about Jungkook because he's a bad influence," Kookie looked mad, "what's wrong with this place? Why are they so ignorant and dumb? Why must they stand in my way?" "People here are very traditional, and they hold strong beliefs that are against us being together," I explained as I started to feel even worse.

"Calm down Kim, don't worry," Tom began to cheer me up, "you have us, your friend and your lover, so everything is going to be alright, even if your parents won't be happy about it," he gave me a reassuring warm smile, "I'm not just his lover, I'm also his friend, and we both are going to do everything to stop seeing him feeling down."

I hugged both of them, "thank you," I felt so scared, but at least I wasn't alone, "please tell me Tae, what can I do to make you feel better?" Kookie asked me once I let go of them.

"Just... Just show me that I'm yours," I blushed as I answered honestly, Kookie's smirk came back once again as his dangerous smile was giving me chills, "well said."

"Hey guys, in case you two forgot, I'm still here!" Kookie chuckled, "what do you think we were about to say, Tom?" "I don't know, but it sounded like Tae was about to say something like: 'please help me to forget about my problems and show me how much you desire me, master,'" Kookie started to laugh at his words, and I looked at them confused.

"From Kookie to master? I'd have to fuck up his innocence so bad, but the idea is really nice, I guess I'll start by fucking him," "What the fuck Kook? it was a joke, I had no idea that you really were into that, you really are scary," I still had no idea what they were talking about.

"Should I explain to him?" Tom suggested when he noticed the confusion on my face, "he's still too innocent to know why someone would call their partner that," he replied, I gave Tom a begging look because of my curiosity, he ignored Kookie's words, "think of a master and his sex slave," I finally realized, "oh, that kind of master..."

They both started to laugh again, but I was blushing, especially when I remembered the fact that he just said that the idea of me calling him that sounded nice.

Jungkook interrupted my thoughts, "we can go to my house after school and hang out if you want," "'hang out,'" I heard Tom repeating him as he was faking coughs, Jungkook gave him a stare, "if there are problems with your parents because of it, one text and I'm there," Tom continued, "I'll try to help you as well if something happens, especially because our teacher might call them," I smiled at his offer, "thank you, Tomie," he chuckled, "no need to thank me, I'm only trying to keep you together because I want to get back at Zoe."

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