Chapter 37- First time

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I finally had his full consent to do whatever I wanted, no holding back, no waiting, no nothing, "so you realize that I'm going to fuck you tonight, right?"

"I know, I want to have that experience with you," I smiled at him softly, "I'm happy to have that honor," my expression became more serious, "but I want you to be one hundred percent sure, it's your first time, so it's going to hurt like a bitch," I wanted to make sure that he knew what he was getting into.

I knew that there was the possibility of him agreeing at the heat of the moment, that the intimacy and privacy, along with the tension and his hormones, were blurring his mind and that he might regret it, but at the same time, I had been wanting him for so long, I wasn't ready to give up his consent that was, technically, already mine.

"Yes, I'm sure, and yeah, I figured that out already," "and I warn you, don't tell me to pull out once I'm already entering you, because I won't," I needed him to know that I wasn't going to stop even in the most painful part, he flinched a bit at the last warning, "...I'm ready."

I began taking off my clothes and noticed that he was staring at me, "enjoying the view?" I chuckled as he looked away, "you can look at me Tae, I'm your boyfriend, and it makes me feel good about myself."

I got on top of him, we were both naked, I could see how nervous he was and I knew that if I'll try to penetrate him at that state, it would hurt more than it should.

I began kissing his body gently, trying to touch him with love instead of lust, waiting for him to melt into the gentle sensation.

After he calmed down and I felt that his body was less tense, I started kissing his neck. I was holding in for too long, and once I heard a moan, I almost lost my mind.

I opened the drawer that was near my bed and took out a bottle of lube, he looked at it confused, and I realized that he had no idea what it was, which meant that he was surprisingly still innocent.

"It's lube, it will make it less painful," I explained and I saw him relax a bit more, I poured some lube on my hand and kissed him before getting ready to insert a finger into him.

"Are you ready? you can still stop it, for now, and the painful part is about to begin," I said as I spread his legs, he nodded and I did it.

His face was completely red as my finger felt his soft walls, "it doesn't hurt that bad," I heard him, "correction, now is the painful part," I added another finger without letting him react to my words. He shut his eyes in pain when I began stretching him, trying to take deep breaths to hold in tears, "I'm sorry Tae, it'll be better soon."

Once he was stretched enough I used my fingers to find and stimulate his prostate, his breath became even heavier, and he opened his eyes just to close them again, this time from pleasure as he let out a small moan that was followed by louder ones.

I could continue doing that all night, he was so sensitive and just looking at him while he was pleasured was addicting to me, but that also made me want more.

I pulled out the two fingers just as he began really enjoy himself, and he gave me a disappointed look while panting, "that was just a small taste of what's about to come," I placed myself at his entrance and purred a bit more lube on my member, "this is the most painful part Tae, so relax and stay still," I warned him and began sliding in the tip.

He was shouting in pain: "pull it out! Please Kookie, it hurts, pull it out!" I didn't want to see him in pain, but I shut him up with a kiss and lifted his thighs a bit so it would be easier for me to continue sliding myself in while groaning a bit into the kiss because of how tight he was.

Once I was fully inside and once he was calmer, I stopped the kiss and looked at his teary eyes and red cheeks, "I'm so sorry Tae, but it's going to worth it," "it's okay... I trust you..."

I began moving in a slow and steady paise, his breath was getting heavier as I hit his prostate, and when it turned into moans, I began thrusting faster. More and more of his pain turned into pleasure as I was slamming into him and hitting his spot repeatedly, the combination of the two was driving his body crazy, turning him into a moaning mess underneath me.

I felt his nails on my back, digging into my flesh because of the overwhelming intensity, making me satisfied as I felt that beautiful kind of pain. I wrapped his legs around my waist and went to his neck to leave more fresh marks on it, I was enjoying his body more than anyone else's and going insane from how good it felt.

I straightened my back and started thrusting harder while still trying to not be too rough with him, my room was filled with the sound of skin clapping, my thrusts, and his uncontrolled moans as he was holding beautifully onto the sheets, making the experience even better.

His swollen lips, rosy cheeks, messy hair, teary half-closed eyes, and the multiple marks on his skin, along with his natural gorgeous features, turned him into the hottest thing I've ever seen. His moans, his sweat, and heavy breath made it so hard for me to not rough it up a bit and start abusing his body, but I somehow managed.

His moans became launder and more frequent, he came onto our bodies and the sheets, and after a few more thrusts, I came inside of him and pulled out. We were staring at each other, both covered with sweat, stained with cum, and out of breath.

Taehyung P.O.V

It was painful, exhausting, and embarrassing, yet I enjoyed it, partly because it felt good, the pleasure was more intense than ever and losing control made me lose all of my shame and worries into the act itself, but what I enjoyed the most was the one who I shared that experience with, the only person who I could do such intimate things with, and the only person who could make me feel so confident and comfortable within my own body.

He looked at me with fondness, his dark doe eyes looked completely hypnotized as he reached a hand to caress my cheek, "look at you, such a mess, so beautiful..." His thumb was rubbing my red cheeks lightly before wiping up my teary eyes and snapping out of it.

"Wait?!" he started to panic, "are you okay? How do you feel? Did it hurt? Did it feel good? Do you regret it?" he began asking worried while trying to ignore the fact that he was still panting.

I didn't even have the strength to chuckle at his panic, I just tried to let out a few words so he won't panic even harder, "I'm fine, my body feels weird, but it felt nice."

Jungkook's P.O.V

When I stabilized my breath, I picked him up and walked with him to the bathroom, "we need to clean ourselves up," he nodded tiredly, and I washed both of us up.

Once we were both clean, I took him back to my room and placed him on my chair so I could change my bed sheets, and when I came back for him, he was already asleep.

I dressed both of us up and put him to bed, lay next to him and took him into my arms, "thank you Tae, your body is amazing," I kissed the top of his head, "I love you, good night," and tried to fall asleep as well, but I was too excited.

I couldn't believe that I just fucked Kim Taehyung, and instead of sleeping, I was fanboying like crazy. I took my phone and wanted to text Tom, I always texted him when I was in that state, but I didn't want to mention the fact that we had sex since I didn't think that Tae would be fine with that.

I sent the first text: "Save me!" and he immediately replied: "what did Kim do now?" "It doesn't matter, he's too perfect! I know I don't deserve him, where's the catch?"

He sent a laughing face, "I thought that girls were crazy, but your gay ass is a whole new level Kook." "Are you sure he's not a serial kidnapper, a rapist or both? He's too good to be true. Wait, I know! He's secretly a robot! or an alien!" "Kook, you just figured that out, he's an alien."

I tried to hold in my laughter so I won't wake Tae up, "shit! What does that say about me then? Am I sexually attracted to aliens?!" "You sure got some weird fetishes..."

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