Chapter 23- Not ready

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Taehyung's P.O.V

I arrived at school, scared and wanting to cry even though I was trying to prepare myself mentally for what was about to come, I arrived at the lockers and saw Jungkook.

Without saying a word to me, he grabbed my arm and dragged me along with him, he took me to one of the school's bathrooms, pushed me in and entered before closing the door, I was terrified.

He pushed me to the wall and kept me pinned to it without letting me move, "so Taehyung, are you willing to give me your body?"

I was so scared, I wasn't ready at all, and I felt so miserable, but I nodded, "I'm asking you once again, are you ready to let me have your body?" I got even more scared and said a weak: "yes."

I looked him in the eyes, he was looking deeply into mine, his eyes were full of emotions, and he looked almost angry as he raised his voice at me, "are you ready or not? Don't lie to me!" I nodded again as I felt tears starting to form in my eyes, and looked down.

"Why?" I heard a quiet voice and looked back up with a tear rolling down my face, "why?! Why would you be willing to do something if you're not ready to?!" he continued yelling, I looked down again.

He sighed, "look at me Tae," his voice softened, "do you really love me that much? Are you really that scared of losing me?" I didn't say a word, I just let another tear to roll down.

He wrapped his arms around me, "do you really think that I don't love you? You're such an idiot, why would you do something so stupid for me if you don't even think that I love you? Those things are critical Tae, you can't lie to me that you're ready whenever you get a little scared, it'll make you hate what we'll have, and hate me."

I cried even harder as I felt him petting the back of my head, "I love you so much Tae, I would never take advantage of your feelings towards me." 

I tightened the hug, "I'm so happy to have your love, I feel so lucky, it's just that it's too good to be true, you're too good to be true," he chuckled, "I can say the same thing about you."

"Don't cry Tae, I'm here, and I always will be, you're not going to lose me, and I will never give up on you," I calmed down and looked at him, smiling.

"Let's wash up your face, you're a mess," he said softly and brought me to the sink, opened it and washed my face gently.

He looked at me and smiled, "I'm so happy that you're not crying anymore," I smiled back, "it's all because of you," "the crying as well," he looked guilty, "but it worths it, anything will, I'd give anything for you Kookie."

He caressed my cheek, "you're taking things a bit too far, don't you think? don't worry Tae, you will always be mine, I always get what I want, and I want you."

Jungkook's P.O.V

Tae blushed because of my words, and while I was still creasing his cheek gently, his face started to move towards mine.

He stopped and stared at my lips, I could feel his breath on them, "you already have me," and those words along with the look in his eyes made me lose control.

I attacked his lips, and he immediately responded, I pushed him to the wall again as he was sucking on my tongue and continuing the kiss, he wrapped his arms around my body and tried to bring our bodies closer to each other.

We heard the bell ringing, I pulled out from the kiss, "should we go to the class?" He looked down and blushed, "I don't like that teacher anyways, and I'd rather be here with you, so let's stay here for just one lesson," I was such a good influence, "as you wish."

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